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***Game Deals Thread***


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Direct2Drive has Fallout New Vegas Digital Collector's Edition (PC) for $34.95 - 15% code LOAD15 = $29.71.




I found you a great deal on a good game, and you hate me? *sad face* lol

lol. I'm currently supporting developers and that's about it. By the time I finally play this great deal of a game it will be 19.99 everyday. But thanks still :)

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Huge one day only discounts on Steam this week


Got the Deus Ex pack.

In particular, does anyone know if the games in the Indie Energy Pack are good? It's usually $50 and it's $5 today.


EDIT: Got it after looking at trailers. I like Geometry Wars and Beat Hazard, so the gameplay looks fun. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm getting games faster than I can beat them, since I'm getting so many so cheap. It's a double edged sword of a curse that I know a few of us here have been afflicted with *looks at Dat*.

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EDIT: Got it after looking at trailers. I like Geometry Wars and Beat Hazard, so the gameplay looks fun. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm getting games faster than I can beat them, since I'm getting so many so cheap. It's a double edged sword of a curse that I know a few of us here have been afflicted with *looks at Dat*.

Yeah, I completely understand that. I have 4 days I might try to tackle a couple of games in that time. I should never have looked at the steam sales. I already see things I probably won't be able to resist buying.

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More good daily Steam deals. Hurts to see these but have no money, especially when I know I'll soon have a computer that can run pretty much any game. lol

The Orange Box for $7.50. If you have a decent computer, have never played either TF2, Portal, or Half Life 2, and don't get it, I will slap you.

Also, is anyone interested in getting the Just Cause 2 8 pack for $60? I'd Paypal the $7.50 for one of the copies next month... or around the beginning of January at the latest. lol Would be a great game for my new comp, but I'm broke atm.

EDIT: I love you Dat. :3

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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (360) $9.99

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PS3) $9.99

The sequel for Kane & Lynch SUCKED. It was very clunky and, in my opinion, worse than the first game (which is surprising considering everyone hated the first). Also, the multiplayer is a WASTELAND. No one is playing. I had the game from Gamefly for almost 3 weeks, and played a grand total of TWO multiplayer matches which were laggier than The Darkness's multiplayer. :(

Singularity (360) $14.99

Singularity (PS3) $14.99

Awesome game for an awesome price. Definitely recommend this one. Very fun.

Quantum Theory (360) $14.99

Quantum Theory (PS3) $14.99

Again, it's a steaming pile of crap. I beat the game and was so disappointed that I really am at a loss for words. Also could not find a single MP match. LoL I can't believe I suffered through the entire game for a measely 120GS. /facepalm

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Did you skim, bro? ;)

No, I re-quoted him and removed the quotes so I could add my commentary. LoL After looking at it again it does appear like I was double posting. Sorry about that. Just was adding my two cents.

On a side note:

Deus Ex: GOTY edition is available, TODAY ONLY, for only $0.99 cents! GO BUY IT NOOOOWWWW!!!!


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Steam Deals

Eets - $2.50 http://store.steampo...d.com/app/6100/

Evil Genius - $2.50 http://store.steampo...d.com/app/3720/

Chime - $1.25 http://store.steampo....com/app/62100/

Not sure about Eets since I don't usually care for games where you don't control the character directly, but I got Chime (more than worth it for a little more than a dollar) and Evil Genius (looks like a pretty funny game, I like the style and aesthetics of it.)

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Evil Genius was great. It's like a modern spy setting Dungeon Keeper type of game. I loved Dungeon Keeper. I can't wait for the "remake".


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