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About ThermoNukePanda

  • Birthday 10/08/1980

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    Upstate NY

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  1. <iframe src="https://vine.co/v/eUg9teiBPa5/embed/simple" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script src="https://platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js"></script> I don't know how to embed Vines.... https://vine.co/v/eUg9teiBPa5
  2. It's really, really sad that people resort to doing stuff like this just for kicks. :/ I feel terrible for that little boy. I saw this a couple days ago on another site. Thanks for showing everyone else Siren.
  3. First PM sent out to Irish.  As soon as he responds and picks his prize I'll message the 2nd person and so on with a list of what's remaining to choose from.
  4. Congrats to everyone! :-) :-) MrsBE, have you played Legend Of Grimrock? Super awesome game. Would be a good one to play on stream. Thanks everyone, and a huge thank you to Siren. I'll be in touch with the winners of my grab bag prizes either later today or Monday.
  5. I've been reading a lot of this stuff lately myself. Between this, Oculus and Morpheus and other upstarts I'm really excited for the future of this all. Thanks for sharing Siren!
  6. Some crazy ass patents.... The artificial penis is propelled by the oscillating pendulum. The pendulum is driven by the crankshaft with the electric motor. To adjust the oscillating amplitude, slide the crankshaft up, or down, along the pendulum. When the crankshaft slides up, the oscillating amplitude increases; when it slides down, the amplitude decreases. The piston rod has an initial position in which a first cylinder space is at a maximum and a second cylinder space is at a minimum and an extended position in which the first cylinder space is at a minimum and the second cylinder space at a maximum. A pump supplies a fluid under pressure to move the piston rod in an extending direction. The present invention concerns a device for protection against transmissible diseases consisting of an outside covering made of a flexible plastic material, preferably transparent, covering a part at least of the body and comprising means (9) for attaching a sheath (4). It also relates to a sheath for implementation on such protection device. Application for combating infectious diseases. The horizontal support and bearing assembly are designed so that this axis of rotation is coaxial with the longitudinal axis of thesex organ of the female when she is supported on the horizontal support in the supine position. The heights of the horizontal support and base are adjustable. Thus the height of the female's sex organ can be adjusted for penetration by a male partner's sex organ when the male partner is standing at the correct end of the horizontal support. A round bag is attached to the front side of the napkin. The bag is in the size and shape of the vagina to give the husband the same sexual feelings. The round bag has an opening and rings, windings and protrusions, as well as a suitable cream. This bag has also a downward extension for fixing the napkin on the vagina opening when the woman lies on her back. The fixing extension is placed between the rumps and may be coated by an adhesive material. The round bag can be taken off the napkin and disposed while continuing to use the napkin. hahaha, a few more of them over here
  7. hahahahaha!!! Kratos tattoo fail!!
  8. I know what you mean Siren. It's derivative of a lot of things but I keep coming back to it lol. VERY grindy....
  9. This too.... dungeons/raids to do with people is pretty fun. Now they just need solid matchmaking for it instead of relying on 3rd party tools.
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