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Real change was made today


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In the landmark decision US Supreme Court strikes down Defense of Marriage Act defining federally recognized marriage as a union of one man and one woman.


The ruling means that the Federal Government will have to recognize state sanctioned same sex marriages. It will give gay couple access to numerous federal benefits such as tax brakes, survivor benefits etc. Same sex marriages are reconnized in 12 states and the District of Columbia.





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and another step closer to the down fall of our country.


Oh, GG.  It won't be homosexuality that brings down the country.  It's all the other shit like the government basically violating every amendment we have and getting away with it because its become so large that will do it.


I for one am glad to see at least some aspect of our government going towards a saner direction, one of equality.  Hell, there's still places here with gender wage inequality.

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I don't agree with the way GG put it, but my personal opinion is the word "marriage" should not be altered.  (I'm not going to discuss that further, let's not derail this happy news.)


That being said I ONE HUNDRED support equal rights for couples.  These unions between couples should absolutely be recognized by the government on both state and federal levels.

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I have too many friends who have had longer standing relationships than anyone I know denied the basic rights everyone else is because their partner is the same freaking sex. It's stupid. One of my best friends from high school loves her (now wife, she moved to get married) wife of eight years to death and have one of the healthiest relationships I know of. 


Just because it's the same fleshy bits doesn't mean the relationship isn't valid.


If that makes me a treehugger for wanting them to have the same privileges as everyone else, then call me a treehugger. I will hug the shit out of all the trees. SO MANY TREES. 

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