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Well the Ubisoft demonstration has started. I almost get the feeling that the guy forgot he's doing a demonstration and just wants to keep playing the game lol. And now the video feed is all messed up, with the audio cutting out.

I'm still kind of skeptical, but AC: Brotherhood looked awesome. So I guess it will basically continue Ezio's story but not the main story of Desmond (though there will probably be a little bit of the present, at least in the ending cutscenes, like the game will be Desmond training more after AC2).

I want to see the multiplayer now.

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oh man .. I missed a lot .. sorry guys I had to head into NYC to do some Make Up stuff at SVA

The problem I had with the Microsoft event was that they didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. We knew what Kinetic (I am getting the spelling right??) could do. Am I interested in it. .. yep I am .. I played the ever loving crap out of my Wii when I got it. .. but sadly to me it just seems like a fad. I don't care about voice chat .. to this day I still haven't done it .. (I don't have anyone to voice chat with :(:(), voice command and a tracking camera .. don't care .. controlling and watching movies with a friend .. don't care!!! .. MST300 is funny but if someone talks to me when we're watching a movie .. oh what the **** out cause I'll rain hell fire down on you!!! It does seem like a very cool thing and it Tam wants it for the exercise games .. and I know she'll use it for that .. we'll get it. If not .. I can't really see the point for me. .. BUT .. I do want the Sony Move. That's just more my style.

As far as the big title games .. again .. nothing we didn't already know. Gears 3 will be a copy/paste or 1 and 2 and that means it'll be 100% AWESOME!!!!! I can't wait to get and kick some *** with you guys. But we already knew that. Call of Duty .. I'm sorry but that game has "jumped the shark" .. time for something else. Fable 3 is a rental for me .. I loved Fable 2 but I don't believe a thing Molyneux said about it and all I could think was .. "oh .. it's Fable 2 with a little Ico sprinkled over it for extra flavor" .. I'll still play it though. Halo .. okay guys .. I'm interested in the series again.

I was just hoping to see something new .. and sadly I did not.

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On the ms thing sucking.. the hardcore crowd is disappointed, but not going anywhere, and they are trying to grab a new market. not my favorite conference they've done, but im not surprised. as for the console give away.... well, a lot deserve it i suppose.... and a lot don't at all.

Haven't gotten to watch ea or ubi yet. Had other stuff to take care of.

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Im wondering how many exercise games and sports game collections will be announced before the end of E3. Kinect Sports is an obvious one, and Deco Sports for the 360 was announced earlier today, and Ubisoft announced another one to. I think there are 3 exercise ones now also, lol

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Anyone who knows me at all will know that I'm rooting for Gears, and that's all I really care about, but I've got to say... I've always hated Halo, but the single player Reach demonstration looked really good! Might get me into the series, kinda like MW2 got me into COD. *resisting urge to play Halos 1, 2 and 3*

Kinect doesn't interest me gamewise, but it would be cool to wake up, go to my couch and just talk to my Xbox all day. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic. lol

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Kinect and motion sensing is a step in the right direction towards VR.

However, it will fail until we can get a full array of haptics hooked up to our bodies (tactile feedback, aka sense of touch and texture) as well as full head tracking then it's going to remain kind of lame.

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Kinect and motion sensing is a step in the right direction towards VR.

However, it will fail until we can get a full array of haptics hooked up to our bodies (tactile feedback, aka sense of touch and texture) as well as full head tracking then it's going to remain kind of lame.

I have to say I agree, but all that will be hard to incorporate into a current home theater setup. Head tracking would be great except the TV is stationary. I like where it's going and at the same time I do not. I've always enjoyed my games, but I really don't know that I want full reenactment. I tend to like sitting on my couch and enjoy my games without much effort.

The one thing Kinect is missing is any sort of controller for the hand. I certainly do not want to walk in place to move my character, and until a separate control scheme is setup for movement controls you can pretty much count on seeing nothing but gimmicky games until there is. I see potential for fun in it, but not in its current state.

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