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Of course not, I'm just going to play the single player for a bit to get a feel for the game

Lol, I haven't even touched single player yet (due to all my other games I need to beat). I've maybe watched 5 seconds of the intro cutscene because of the times when I selected "Exit Multiplayer" and it automatically starts a new game like GTA IV.

I'll play it for sure after I beat Lost Odyssey. Crackdown 2 was an exception, because there's barely any story to speak of and it won't interfere, it's just plain damn fun.

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Just seen dat today, he told me of this soo, im posting this for any body that wants to play RED DEAD atm its 1 am for me but willing to do an all nighter, sooo who ever is with me reply to this and add CELTIC SPACE to your xboxlive account and we will make a possy, and go hunting etc maybe even gang shoot outs

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