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Red Dead Redemption


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I say, how do you use the war horse in multiplayer?

Not sure really, as I said in my other post, closest I can guess is having it unlocked by preordering it, and going to the outfitter and back. I think it just re-skins the horse you are currently using, but I'm not sure, there's no way to really check the stats unless maybe I chose the Lusitano Nag and had it change to the war horse and raced someone.

I like the colors on it much better than most of the brown, tan, and white horses (black with white mane, tail, and back left leg "sock"). It might have to be in private matches.

Also, I think it works like the guns you find in MP, where once you unlock it, it stays with you through all the matches you join until you quit. I think I'll have to play a bit and see if I can get it in public matches.

But Lost Odyssey is just so epic. ^_^

And I kind of agree with GG, while the dead eye massacre is great with the Evans, it's just a waste of ammo compared to the Bolt Action unless you're right up close.

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Gentle nudge upwards after lock on with Evans is a headshot. It's all preference, really. If someone likes the Evans or Bolt Action, let 'em.

Yea on any weapon but it won't score a head shot from very far. Not trying to stop them, just giving my opinion which I'm allowed to do.

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It was a general statement. On JTV and in the game itself, you got people bashing and praising certain guns. I hear people get very defensive about the guns they like. If someone likes a gun, that's all that matters. The other person isn't affected by it, since they don't use it.

@Pan If you can get the buffalo gun from someone, use it against a spawn killer on horse. I was getting spawn killed over and over by this guy riding his horse at me all the time. I finally used the buffalo gun on his horse and killed it with one shot. He stopped gunning for me after that.

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I am now convinced that this game has one of the worst communities on XBL, and is full of greifing douchebags.

Tried to go for the 10 minute public enemy thing, guy comes and kill me. Im not to happy about it, but there is a challenge for killing public enemies so can't really complain about that. But then him and his posse member just keep continually spawn kills me. That goes back and forth for awhile(I picked up a buffalo rifle off of one of them, and already picked up a HPP earlier). And eventually his buddy quits out and he continues, I got bored and went into a new free roam.

Went to get the challenge for beating the 2 gang hideouts in Mexico without dying. Beat the first one without that much trouble, go to the 2nd(the small city in the middle of the map). Get down there, start sniping, nobody is around, doing well. Then out of nowhere a posse of 6 guys come and kill me, and just keep killing me. They didn't even try to kill any of the enemy AIs, they were just going after me. I sent the leader a message along the lines of "WTF, I didn't do anything to you, and im doing a challenge". He sends me back a message of "stop being a ***** fight like a man"(though not everything was spelled correctly, of course).

I promptly sent him a message that simply said "Douchebag" and quit. :angry:

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I am now convinced that this game has one of the worst communities on XBL, and is full of greifing douchebags.

Tried to go for the 10 minute public enemy thing, guy comes and kill me. Im not to happy about it, but there is a challenge for killing public enemies so can't really complain about that. But then him and his posse member just keep continually spawn kills me. That goes back and forth for awhile(I picked up a buffalo rifle off of one of them, and already picked up a HPP earlier). And eventually his buddy quits out and he continues, I got bored and went into a new free roam.

Went to get the challenge for beating the 2 gang hideouts in Mexico without dying. Beat the first one without that much trouble, go to the 2nd(the small city in the middle of the map). Get down there, start sniping, nobody is around, doing well. Then out of nowhere a posse of 6 guys come and kill me, and just keep killing me. They didn't even try to kill any of the enemy AIs, they were just going after me. I sent the leader a message along the lines of "WTF, I didn't do anything to you, and im doing a challenge". He sends me back a message of "stop being a ***** fight like a man"(though not everything was spelled correctly, of course).

I promptly sent him a message that simply said "Douchebag" and quit. :angry:

Your situation is what posse's are for. You need people to watch your back in free roam. If you want the public enemy chievo do the glitch I posted a few post up. You can glitch inside the mansion and kill cops without worrying about anyone shooting you. But yeat going for chievos in public is easier with friends, me and pk ended up with a good amount of people doing a couple of chievos and i don't think we had a single problem, until later when someone shot one of us so we griefed the hell out of his posse.

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Tried doing that glitch, took about 10 times to get under the building and not into the grey room. Dynamite can still hit you, though I don't think it can get close enough to kill you in one blast. Waited ten minutes, went out and called my horse, and got instantly gunned down once I went out of the gate.

Also, I don't think im going to go for the challenges for killing public enemies, since I already know how frustrating it is to be on the other side of that one.

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Tried doing that glitch, took about 10 times to get under the building and not into the grey room. Dynamite can still hit you, though I don't think it can get close enough to kill you in one blast. Waited ten minutes, went out and called my horse, and got instantly gunned down once I went out of the gate.

Also, I don't think im going to go for the challenges for killing public enemies, since I already know how frustrating it is to be on the other side of that one.

Iuno dude me and pk got the glitch to work pretty much every time, and you don't even have to leave to lose your wanted level you just have to wait ten minutes and look down at the ground. It's kind of buggy so you just have to tweak were you set for a few minutes and it finally went away for us and we got it pretty much no problem. I got lucky a 5th level legend came over trying to fuk us up and I got it right as soon as he showed up.

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I'll probably try again tomorrow, I did start to get better at not ending up in the grey room.

At least im done with my Master Hunter and Master Survivalist challenges now. Now Im on to finish up lawbringer 2, which for me is to do that one little fort gang hideout in mexico, entirely with throwing knifes and melee. That should only be about 15 deaths, lol.

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Iuno dude me and pk got the glitch to work pretty much every time, and you don't even have to leave to lose your wanted level you just have to wait ten minutes and look down at the ground. It's kind of buggy so you just have to tweak were you set for a few minutes and it finally went away for us and we got it pretty much no problem. I got lucky a 5th level legend came over trying to fuk us up and I got it right as soon as he showed up.

Yeah I got it this morning, worked great, thanks GG. I entered into a posse just so that I'd have that many people being less likely to kill me and they ended up entering the mansion and helping me out by killing the other players that came.

Getting out wasn't so bad, I just killed off the last couple cops hiding behind the gate, checked the map for nearby hostile players, then took someone's horse that they ended up parking right where I could get on it as soon as I got out of the glitch area (not sure if it was intentional, but it helped).

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I'll probably try again tomorrow, I did start to get better at not ending up in the grey room.

At least im done with my Master Hunter and Master Survivalist challenges now. Now Im on to finish up lawbringer 2, which for me is to do that one little fort gang hideout in mexico, entirely with throwing knifes and melee. That should only be about 15 deaths, lol.

If your planiing on passing into legend i wouldnt worry about chaleenges

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What I plan to do when passing into legend is just complete whichever challenges I want titles for fully, before doing it, that way I won't have to redo that particular challenge again next time to get title's I missed (Title's do not reset).

Also, the hatshot disarm thing being glitched, apparently fixes when you get the challenge again on your next Legendary. That, and the kill and become public enemy challenges are the only free roam challenges left for me, besides the stats ones like riding a horse and carriage (maxed out the walking one).

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<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="300" width="400" id="clip_embed_player_flash" data="http://www.justin.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf" bgcolor="#000000"><param name="movie" value="http://www.justin.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashvars" value="auto_play=false&start_volume=25&title=Wax in a fit of rage... Peeknuckle in a fit of giggles&channel=earwaxface&archive_id=264675228" /></object><br /><a href="http://www.justin.tv/earwaxface#r=lTf2coo~&s=em" class="trk" style="padding:2px 0px 4px; display:block; width:320px; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;">Watch live video from PWN Of The Dead on Justin.tv</a>

Wax, GG, me, TNT and some Cougars.

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You went legend, Kevin? When did you grind that last bit of XP?

I'm thinking you may be correct about the hat/disarm thing. I know I did it plenty of times before I went legend. Afterwards, though, I got it.

I meant that's what my plan is for when I go legendary. I'm still level 40, but my strategy is to finish up whatever challenges I'm on all the way so I don't have to do them again later to get the titles (just the XP).

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I got this about 10 days ago but never got the chance to play it because of my exams. Only started today and haven't played Single Play but just jumped straight into Multiplayer with a friend. It's very fun :) All we did was fight bears and try and bring one into a town :P

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