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The Annual Gamercide Giveaway Winners & Grand Prize Rules - Finished 2014


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To be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing you must post in this thread. Please post what game you are looking forward to and why. You will have through Saturday, February 8th to post. The winner will be drawn at random from those who post. The reason can be anything, but I would love to see more than just "Because it's awesome" . I will draw the winner on Sunday, February 9th.

The Grand Prize will be a a $100 Amazon gift card.

So, this year, everyone is a winner as usual, but I'm sad to say it isn't much of a prize. Everyone on the list below will be getting a $5 Amazon gift card. You have through Saturday, February 8th to PM me with the email account you would like the $5 gift card sent to. I will send them out on Sunday after the Grand Prize drawing.

  • Siren
  • Chris
  • LG
  • DD
  • Vector
  • Sky
  • irish
  • Kev
  • Antoinette255
  • Tuna
  • oldmanfang
  • fluffypandaknight
  • Reven
  • Jyro X
  • Sholtz
  • lostassassin13
  • PieMorphine
  • MrsBadExample
  • Ban
  • powrful
  • Evildawg
  • Kira
  • Darkneokron

We will revisit the giveaway next year, and hopefully it can continue it's traditional method. Thanks to everyone for participating and making this forum the friendly place that I've come to love. And another HUGE thank you to Siren for everything she does for us.



I'm looking forward to The Witcher 3. I absolutely love The Witcher series, and The Witcher 2 was one of my all time favorite games. The story was great, the graphics phenomenal, and the gameplay spot on. The Witcher 3 is promising the story telling of The Witcher 3 with an open world like Skyrim. Open world and epic cinematic storytelling! Good potential to outshine The Elder Scrolls in my book if done right, and I love The Elder Scrolls.

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Destiny is a game I am most looking forward to. Its like a cross between Borderlands and Halo. Guns, guns and more guns!! How can you go wrong with that? Plus it will be sort of like an MMO which will give me that "I can't wait to get home and play this" feeling.

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I am definitely looking forward to Metal Gear Solid 5/Ground Zeroes.  While I'll probably have to wait until I can get a PS4 to play it (I'd rather play the highest end version available), I'm going to hold out hope that it will come to PC, seeing as Rising did and Ground Zeroes at least is rumored to.


I look forward to it because it is the next chapter in one of the deepest game franchises I have ever played.  The Metal Gear Solid franchise is fantastic, spanning many decades from the 60s all the way through to a bit into the future, and 5 will make the timelines of Naked Snake and Solid Snake one step closer to converging.  I hope Konami eventually remakes Metal Gear 1 and 2 (Old MGSX/NES games I've never had a chance to play) with the technology and story telling mastery they have today, to show Big Boss' and Solid Snake's original encounter.



The trailers for the game give me goosebumps (the series has always had some awesome music too).

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I've been a fan of Thief since back in the day and seeing Garrett make a reappearance and knowing I will get to play a new game in about 20 days makes me need a change of pants in both the front and back. I've tried playing through Splinter Cell, Hitman, and Assassin's Creed and enjoyed them well enough, but nothing has compared to the Thief series for me.

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There are sooooo many games this year im looking forward too, but if I have to name just one it would probably be kingdom hearts 3. 


Everbody that knows me knows how much of a child i am at heart, so yay disney and anime. Played 1 and 2 to death when i was a wee kid.


Im also looking forward to Tom Clancy's Division, even though that might come out next year :(


There is also Men of War 2 which comes out on feb 20 :D oh oh oh and renegade x on the 12th of feburary

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I'm actually really looking forward to Banished. It's probably not many people's cup of tea, but it was developed by ONE friggin' guy. For EVERYTHING. And he didn't do some alpha / beta bullshit, he completed the game and is now releasing it. I'm gonna build SO MANY FUCKING VILLAGES YOU HAVE NO IDEA. 


And everyone shall eternally eat cabbages. muaha.

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Hi Dat!


PK tried to link me to some new releases but honestly I am looking forward to any and all the new games that are coming out.  I have always had consoles my whole life.  Sad Asian girl playing borderlands by myself. hhaha. Anyway I am enjoying learning about new games and learning new terms like MOBA, MMO, first person, and third person. Meeting new people who enjoy video games is the best part of having my new PC.  So I look forward to all of it!  :Megaman:  :grouphug:

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One one the games I'm currently looking forward to is Destiny being developped by Bungie. 


As far as I know, Bungie have little-to-no bad series under their belts and from everything I saw so far, Destiny looks very promising. The game in a sense also reminds me a bit of borderlands but with less of the "crazy" BL has. Seems to be an open-world type FPS which always have my interrest.

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I'm loving reading these. I am looking forward to several of these myself.  I had forgotten about Thief and Destiny.  Thief is shaping up to be pretty damn awesome. I haven't really followed Destiny, but I want to see where they go with it for sure. 


I've received emails from about 8 people, but not everyone on the list has PM'd me yet.  You have the rest of the day to PM me  your email for the $5 gift card, and the same amount of time to post here to enter for the $100 card. Time's running out! Get those PMs and posts in!


Finally, I've had a few people request to be left out of the giveaway or money added into someone else etc.  To everyone who asked or wants to ask. If you don't want the gift card, I will apply your $5 towards Gamercide's hosting account.  Thanks again for participating everyone!

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Hello fellow Gamercidians   Ooooooo Ooooooooooo! And I have been soo looking forward to playing the other expansion to skyrim... I have the house one but sadly no Dragonborn for me.And just so I dont forget A BIG THANK YOU TO Siren and the rest of the Gamercide community. Without you all game streaming would just suck.

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I have donated $15 towards Gamercide's hosting fees at the request of three people. The rest of you keep an eye on your email for your gift card. It will be coming from Amazon so keep an eye on the spam folder.


I added everyone to a randomized list, and the winner is!


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I had to watch the video a couple times on my phone not being able to see the tiny text right after waking up early (for me), then turned on my computer to come to the forum and confirm.  If I'm reading that right, I won?  Awesome!  Thanks so much, Dat. Off to work, but I'll see you fellows tonight. :grouphug:

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Congratulations Mr kev. Another great year in gamercide and i cant wait to see whats going to happen this year. Even though im slightly inactive im always popping in and out to see how my favorite gaming family is.


Thanks for all the hard work you guys put in, hopefully we can have the regular annual giveaway next year.


I'll be putting that amazon card into funds to get an AC or something for my room so its not so hot in here, then i might be able to actually cast!

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