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AntiSec leak 1 million apple device IDs obtained from FBI


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So I just bought an iPad two weeks ago only because I am too impatient to do real research into which tablet would be best and also because all my trendy Chapel Hillians who I video chat with haves Apple products thus FaceTime trumps Skype. Plus it is shiny and lets me look at things at work when I have nothing to do. But point being [in regards to this topic] I am safe.

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Apparently Adrien Chen at Gawker was contacted somehow by the group and demanded he wear a tutu and put a shoe on his head and post it on the front page of Gawker. They told him to do this and they would release info to him about it.

I say it's a trap lol.

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They're datamining just about EVERYTHING for no gd good reason PK. I just read something too about how some group set up a private fake torrent thing, and how they found out the FBI was monitoring everyone who connected to it and logging IPs and stuff for no reason within a few hours.

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