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Once It's Been Sed It Cannot Be Un-Sed.


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I always thought he wrestled bears like the following *courtesy of Google images*:

It started at a young age. ..

It wasn't a real bear. Fearing scratches and bite markes, his parents won a plush toy bear for their bundle of joy at the town fair.


Sed took a liking to that bear. Such a nice a fluffy coat. It had a red ribbon wrapped rigously around its throat as a sign of morbid times to come; they always cuddled, with many family pictures devoid of their glowing son's smile while in proximity to the beast.....

Sed always loved his pet bear, Ursala. Such a ridiculous name his parents gave it. Some lord of bears? He didn't remember. He just remembered the gaze.

Something about Its piercing and unliving eyes struck into his soul, almost as a taunt, as a multitude of mahogany tufts of fur that he grasped between his tiny fingertips soothed his rage. Bulging tendons exposed within his fingers, encapsulating the envisioned veins that stretched down the bear's neck, Sed twisted his pinky finger ever so slightly, as his plush childhood friend snapped its neck at a 190 degree angle. The art of wrestling bears came naturally to the child, and pinning his small cotton stuffed bedmate was no challenge after long.


Even so small, Sed's power was recognized by his parents. The gift of wrestling bears raged within their son and they knew they must nurture it.

Their child, tiny as he was, was destined to f*ck bears up.

Attempts to train their son, deemed Sed "Imma fUUUUU Up Bears" or ImmaFUB for short, soon became a normal activity. His parents bestowed the family's collection of research on the topic of ursidae elimination to their son in hopes of enlightenment.




"Bear wrassling" didn't interest Sed much though as he grew older into his teenage years. Hour after hour of bear fighting films seemed insignifigant when he could turn on the news and see any asshat attemping to claim he was king of the ursidae.

Sed was king. He knew it. And so he thought, "So what? Everyone wrestles bears. They even outsource bear fighting it's become so bad.


Even his new band's poster made jokes about how "mainstream" it had become.


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Where was there to go from here? Was it even his destiny? Why should he even care? Does it matter if a bear is stronger than a man?

It does.

Sed knew that. He didn't want to be seen as the all powerful "bear wrassling" man' trained for his whole life who could be overtook by a simple bear. Not even a powerful bear. Not even when a bear had him in a ******* motherfeffing headlock!!!


Sed was pissed.

An all out bear brawl ensued. Bears were getting elbowed in the face...


...even slapped around.


It was always the same. Sed "ImmaFUB" would enter the ring to greet a bear in the face.


And ImmaFUB would march around like


You know how it ends though. The bear is bigger, and meaner, but Sed had determination. No one can beat Sed on his birthday.... no one.


not even a bear....

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