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Sorry to keep changing it, but I've had to change chest protection again. This time you will have to 'relock' your chests. You won't have to destroy them, but you will have to add them as yours. Here are the commands.

  • Both protections by user/group and by password
  • Limits of how many chests a user or group can lock
  • Small memory footprint (virtually none). No flatfiles. No excessive storage in memory--the protected chests are only loaded into memory temporarily when needed.
  • No excessive disk I/O. The only data stored on the disk is Chest locks and Limits. Everything else such as pending locks, unlocks, etc is stored in an sqlite in-memory database, which is never written to the disk.
  • sqlite is used--no MySQL is needed which some people can't run because it's heavy. SQLite comes with the mod, packaged with it if you will. in some cases SQLite is actually faster than MySQL. It's very fast and is very attractive for a mod such as this, where thousands of chests may be protected

  • /lwc....
    • create public - Create a public chest ANYONE can access but not lock
    • create password <Password> - Create a password-protected chest
    • create private g:admins @Hidendra EvilGuy g:mods CoolGuy - Create a protected chest. @ denotes they are a chest admin (can add/remove users)

    • modify -EvilGuy Hidendra -g:mods - In the last command, this one would remove Hidendra's chest admin access, remove EvilGuy's access to the chest fully and also remove the group mods from access. - denotes removing them
    • free chest - Remove a chest, only the chest owner and LWC Admins can do this
    • free pending - No longer needed as of 1.1, but still here just incase (deprecated)

    • info - View info on a chest. Only LWC admins and Chest admins can use this on their chests
    • The following commands can only be used by LWC Admins
    • admin limits <amount> <groups/users> - Limits the list of groups/users to only be able to create so many protected chest (Protected=public,password,private). g:group denotes groups

Example: /lwc create private Hidendra g:mods

LWC Admins

If a player has access to the command /lwcadmin, they have admin rights to this mod. What does this entail? They can:

  • /info all chests
  • /free any chest
  • view+modify any chest

LWC Mods
If a player has access to the command /lwcmod, they have mod rights. They're "basically" admins, just with some restrictions. They can:
  • /info all chests

LWC Mods can currently only /info chests. Originally it was they could view them as well, but nothing stopped them from taking items (they'd regenerate as if nothing happened, which essentially duped it)

To sum it up, basically you use '/lwc create private'

Then left click your chest. It will change ownership to you and only you can open it. You can also read above to see that you can add a password ( you don't have to enter it, only others ) or per user protection etc. It is possible for someone to claim your unclaimed chest, but mods can see this info and then we can fix the issue. This one seems to actually work well.

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hey guys ive honestly been playing on minecraft for a while... names ownedblood im pretty sure... build a biggg brick house and was in the process of building a blastiose when my laptop blew up xP

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Let me know if you want to play on the SMP server. I can get you setup to build.

Well, I believe it's time. The minecraft server is going full SMP. The world is still and has been backed up every 10 minutes. So, if there is any major destruction then it can be restored to a previous point, but monsters are coming out now.

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I guess it's about time I try to get back to the game again, if for nothing else than protecting my chests. Don't remember the commands though. Also, is it possible to protect my tower from people other than me and mods? I'm thinking if I can spawn them, I want to make it into a dungeon (but no creepers, so they don't blow it up lol)

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I guess it's about time I try to get back to the game again, if for nothing else than protecting my chests. Don't remember the commands though. Also, is it possible to protect my tower from people other than me and mods? I'm thinking if I can spawn them, I want to make it into a dungeon (but no creepers, so they don't blow it up lol)

No region protection yet. The chest protection commands are a few posts up. Also, health is on and no auto heal.

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So I loaded the game and there was a skeleton archer on the roof of my tower so I went back downstairs and tried the front door. There was a creeper right outside of it, and when I ran back inside it kept hopping around in front of the window. I got scurred and turned it off.

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Going to Beta on the 20th. Get your copies now.


<h2>Minecraft Beta: December 20, 2010

The next epoch is upon us! The skies are trembling, pigs are growing wings, and the nether is turning awfully cold, as Minecraft slowly crawls out of Alpha..

Minecraft will reach Beta status on December 20th, 2010.

With Beta comes a larger focus on polish and content, and we’ll start early on with adding proper modding support with a stable API, and we’d love all input we can get on this from the modders out there. We’ll also add some kind of non-intrusive narrative to the game to help drive the game experience early on, and to provide some kind of late game goal. There will be a bigger focus on testing and stability as well, with more time between updates.

When the game enters beta, the price will rise to 14.95 Euro.

We will also change the license to remove the line that promises all future versions of the game for free. Please note that this change only affects people who buy the game after December 20, so if you got the game for during alpha, you will still get all future updates for free, despite this change. A promise is a promise.

Buying the game during beta will include all updates up until release, of course, and bug patches will be free.

Soon, you will be able to buy gift codes for Minecraft, perfectly timed for the holidays! Even better, if you buy those before December 20, accounts created from these codes will count as alpha accounts, and will receive all future updates for free.

And the next game update (with server-side inventory) is coming next week, before Beta

Merry holidays happy! :D

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My tower has been bombed twice now. Once when my brother was playing, neither of us saw it but somehow it was there when he was climbing some stairs, and a second time when I was playing again shortly after, I went outside to look around, then went back inside and one of the feckers was waiting for me and asplodded my entrance. I'm going to put floodlights (i.e. a crapton of torches) in and around my tower now. I think a few of them were spawning in the unlit food room with the mushrooms in it.

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Hah that's exactly the problem I was having. Creepers everywhere, and they don't even disappear when the sun comes up like other monsters unless they despawn from no one being in the area. My tower got bombed several times, and they were constantly kamikaze'ing the large wall I was building around it. But now it's finished, and I think I have pretty solid protection. Increased the lighting inside and on the roof so they don't spawn there, and have a 5 block away wall with inner lighting so they don't spawn inside it. This will also prevent creepers from blowing up the wall when I stand too close to it on the first floor. Monsters don't seem to be affected by torches at all, other than the fact that they won't spawn near them.

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Yeah, I've noticed when the sun comes up, there's still monsters roaming outside. Some catch on fire and die, but some remain fine and ready to blow you up.

Also, the Archer's are way too accurate. I was in a temporary shelter with an open window (no glass), on top of a hill. He was down below and managed to hit me through the window when I couldn't even see him from where I was. Straight up HAX! lol

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Ok, I was tired of creepers explodiness.

CreeperNerf Plugin:


This in not a plugin that simply disables creeper explosions. Instead, it modifies their behavior :

-> under a certain altitude (default : 55), they will blow up as usual, not making mines any safer

-> above this altitude, they will deal configurable area damage, then disappear, mimic-ing an explosion, without the world being damaged.

I have the default set to 55 and TNT nerfed to do the same thing. If anyone notices problems with the altitude let me know. Creepers shouldn't be so annoying now.

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Thaaaaaank you, Dat.

Also as for the skeleton archers, they totally hack. I had my tower's defense wall two blocks high at first, and they'd be standing right in front of it jumping, and shooting me while I'm looking out of my doorway. Needless to say it is now three blocks high. lol

Still, it was kind of fun in a masochist, challenge-seeking kind of way. Certainly got me moving on setting up my defenses. At least now I can build in peace for the most part during the day.

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