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So I just realized that even though I've conversed with some of you before via twitch/steam/teamspeak there's probably many others I don't know! So with that being said...


I'm txspoon, everyone just calls me spoon or a variation of that. I live just outside of Chicago and work at a TV station doing all of their web and graphic design as well as some set design and shooting and editing of shows/smaller spots. In the last year and a half have gotten back into gaming after being out of the game through college and a few years after. 


Last March or April I used some contract job cash to build my first PC since high school. (still have an i7 laptop that get's the job done, but after having to shut it down and put it in the fridge during some titanfall it was time to start a parts list haha.)


PC Build list: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/txspoon/saved/NJfp99


Not included in that list is 2-2tb drives, one for game/other storage and one for Plex Media Server storage, as well as a simple logitech wireless keyboard and CMStorm Recon mouse. 


I think that covers the basics! Sorry I didn't post a New Users thread earlier!

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I've talked to you on Teamspeak on many occasions, but hey Spoon.  I'd say that build looks very solid.  Not really much input I'd have to add to that.  Though Dateranoth is our resident PC expert, I'm sure he may have some input.  I'm definitely happy about having built my own computer earlier this year.

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Thanks for the kind words PK! I like to think i'm a pretty good dude :)  Always a pleasure seeing Tuna and Kev! 


For the build I think the only thing I might add in the future is some water cooling, but so far so good. Haven't had any issues playing everything on ultra settings. It was a lot of fun to build. After spending months researching and putting the list together the actual build and installing windows probably only took me an hour. Proper planning makes things so much easier haha.


Pics of said rig and current desk setup: http://imgur.com/a/tX6c2#0

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In terms of water cooling, the Kraken X40 has been great for me.  Super easy to setup, all you have to do is place it and screw it (and the fans) in like any other component.  Though a warning about the X41, it would not fit in my Phantom 410 mid tower, so I had to return it and get another X41 (I was rebuilding my old PC, so I currently have two now lol).  The sizing is just a bit off.  I don't know if that would be a problem in your full tower though.

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Hey Spoon! Glad to see you made it to the forum. I like that case you have and it looks like a solid build for the time you built it.

If you go water cooling, and want a project then go all out. I really enjoyed my build, and even though it cost more than the standard box sets now it was fun to do. Plus, other than changing tubing here and there it has lasted me for over 5 years through various builds.

I'm currently only water cooling my CPU and mosfets. I was water cooling my video card, but I recently upgraded to the MSI 980 GTX and the damn card is silent. It is the most impressive air cooled video card I have ever seen. The fans don't even spin at idle.

Anyhow, welcome again!

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