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Everything posted by Dateranoth

  1. I feel like I'm completely out of the FPS loop these days. I haven't played any of the top titles this year.
  2. I really don't like it when preorder content is so large. So, if you wait you miss out on an entire mission. Pretty crappy.
  3. I never could get into these games. The first one felt novel, but I never finished it.
  4. Has anyone played it for that matter? I think PK was talking about it looking pretty fun.
  5. At this point I would settle with a short story that concluded the cliff hanger.
  6. I have began to think that Valve is doing the worlds biggest troll. I do still have hope that it will release though and sooner would be better.
  7. I read about this a bit ago. Seems their little experiment is a failure. Which we all knew. Too bad it already left a bad taste in my mouth. Also, wasn't it always online because of the way they set the game up? As in your always playing through their servers even in single player?
  8. Very limited since you have to lend your entire library at once, but still pretty cool of them.
  9. In its current state it will work as long as you follow these guidelines: You have to use PuttyTel to shut down. You will need to run a separate instance for each server and each server will need to be its own directory. You will need to change the listen ports for the remote shutdown to be different from each other. Finally, it may not be necessary, but I recommend you stagger the daily restart times by at least 5 minutes.
  10. Very good review. Shame it's a disappointment, but at least it still seems worth the $20 price point. Which is actually $16 if you preorder. Maybe Frictional will take back the lead on the next one.
  11. Update: Fixed Server forcefully shutting down when exiting script. It will now use PuTTyTel.exe to gracefully shutdown if available. Also wanted to note that Putty is optional, if you don't place puttytel.exe in the directory with the script, it will force the process to close instead.
  12. v1.2 is out. Nightmare from the 7 Days to Die forum was nice enough to share the telnet info for the server. Now with the use of puttytel.exe the server can be safely shutdown instead of just having the process killed. This saves the time and helps make sure blocks are saved. Simply download the new script from here, then download puttytel.exe from Putty's Site and place both in the directory containing 7daystodie.exe
  13. Updated to fix the Restart Daily Time. The server will now reset at the hour you choose instead of only at midnight.
  14. Runs a dedicated server and keeps it running.
  15. I modified my Cube World Server Utility to work with 7 Days to Die. I also added a customizable ini file. NOTE! If you do not use the PuttyTel client to restart all restarts are hard restarts. The server process is closed, and it is closed when you exit the script. I have tested this, and it doesn't seem to be affecting save files, but you have been warned. Features: Optional Daily RestartsKeep Server Alive. Restart on CrashLog Excessive Memory UseOption to Restart on Excessive Memory UseOption to Remotely Restart ServerLogs restart request, current memory being used, and if the utility requested or a certain IPSafely shutdown the server through telnet via puttytel.exe and save server dayThe remote restart utility is a separate program. It allows you to connect and remotely restart a server.You can download the 7dServerUtility and 7dServerRemoteRestart compiled exe's HERE. (VirusScan) You can download the 7dServerUtility and 7dServerRemoteRestart AutoIT Source HERE. A special thanks to Nightmarefrom the 7 days to die forum for the telnet info! Installation Instructions: Place 7dServerUtility.exe in the same directory as 7DaysToDie.exe and run once. It will create a default INI file that you will need to modify for your server. Once you have modified the ini, restart the script and enjoy. If you want to use Putty to safely shutdown the server, then visit http://www.chiark.gr...y/download.html and download puttytel.exe . Place puttytel.exe in the same directory as 7dServerUtility.exe Remote Restart Instructions: Run 7dServerRemoteRestart.exe from anywhere. It will create a default INI file that you must modify. Modify the INI file and fill in the server IP and Restart Port. Optionally you can fill in the password field and it will save it so you don't have to type it each time. 7dServerUtility.au3 #include #include <Date.au3>#include <Process.au3>;User VariablesIf FileExists("7dServerUtility.ini") Then Local $GamePort = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameServerPort", "GamePort", "25000") Local $ConfigFile = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameConfigFile", "ConfigFile", "serverconfig.xml") Local $UseRemoteRestart = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Use_Remote_Restart?yes/no", "UseRemoteRestart", "no") Local $g_IP = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "IP_To_Listen_On", "ListenIP", "") Local $g_Port = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Port_To_Listen_On", "ListenPort", "57539") Local $RestartCode = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Remote_Restart_Password", "RestartCode", "FVtb2DXgp8SYwj7J") Local $RestartDaily= IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Daily?yes/no", "RestartDaily", "no") Local $HotHour = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Hour?00-23", "HotHour", "00") Local $HotMin = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Minute?00-59", "HotMin", "01") Local $ExMem = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Excessive_Memory_Amount", "ExMem", "2000000000") Local $ExMemRestart = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_On_Excessive_Mem_Use?yes/no", "ExMemRestart", "no")Else IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameServerPort", "GamePort", "25000") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameConfigFile", "ConfigFile", "serverconfig.xml") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Use_Remote_Restart?yes/no", "UseRemoteRestart", "no") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "IP_To_Listen_On", "ListenIP", "") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Port_To_Listen_On", "ListenPort", "57539") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Remote_Restart_Password", "RestartCode", "FVtb2DXgp8SYwj7J") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Daily?yes/no", "RestartDaily", "no") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Hour?00-23", "HotHour", "00") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Minute?00-59", "HotMin", "01") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Excessive_Memory_Amount", "ExMem", "2000000000") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_On_Excessive_Mem_Use?yes/no", "ExMemRestart", "no") MsgBox(4096, "Default INI File Made", "Please Modify Default Values and Restart Script") ExitEndIfOnAutoItExitRegister("CloseServer")Func CloseServer() If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\puttytel.exe") Then $PuttyPort = $GamePort+3 Run(@ScriptDir & "\puttytel.exe -P "& $PuttyPort & " "& $g_IP) WinWait($g_IP &" - PuTTYtel","") Local $CrashCheck = WinWait("PuTTYtel Fatal Error","",5) If $CrashCheck = 0 Then ControlSend($g_IP &" - PuTTYtel", "", "", "{enter}") ControlSend($g_IP &" - PuTTYtel", "", "", "shutdown{enter}") WinWait("PuTTYtel Fatal Error","",10) Local $PID = ProcessExists("puttytel.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf Else Local $PID = ProcessExists("puttytel.exe") Local $PID2 = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf If $PID2 Then ProcessClose($PID2) EndIf EndIf Else Local $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf EndIfEndFuncFunc _TCP_Server_ClientIP($hSocket) Local $pSocketAddress, $aReturn $pSocketAddress = DllStructCreate("short;ushort;uint;char[8]") $aReturn = DllCall("ws2_32.dll", "int", "getpeername", "int", $hSocket, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pSocketAddress), "int*", DllStructGetSize($pSocketAddress)) If @error Or $aReturn[0] <> 0 Then Return $hSocket $aReturn = DllCall("ws2_32.dll", "str", "inet_ntoa", "int", DllStructGetData($pSocketAddress, 3)) If @error Then Return $hSocket $pSocketAddress = 0 Return $aReturn[0] EndFunc ;==>_TCP_Server_ClientIPIf $UseRemoteRestart = "yes" Then; Start The TCP ServicesTCPStartup()Local $MainSocket = TCPListen($g_IP, $g_Port, 100)If $MainSocket = -1 Then ExitEndIfwhile True if WinExists("Oops!") Then ControlSend("Oops!", "", "", "{enter}") Sleep (10000) EndIfIf $UseRemoteRestart = "yes" ThenLocal $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept($MainSocket)If $ConnectedSocket >= 0 Then;TrayTip("Connected","Someone connected to server.",3)$Count = 0While $Count < 30$RECV = TCPRecv($ConnectedSocket,512) If $RECV = $RestartCode Then Local $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") ; Will return the PID or 0 if the process isn't found. If $PID Then $IP = _TCP_Server_ClientIP($ConnectedSocket) Local $MEM = ProcessGetStats($PID, 0) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_RestartLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1] &" Restart Requested by Remote Host: "& $IP) ;ProcessClose($PID) CloseServer() Sleep (10000) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf$Count += 1Sleep (1000)WEndIf $ConnectedSocket <> -1 Then TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket)EndIfEndIfLocal $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe")If $PID = 0 Then Run(@ScriptDir & "\7DaysToDie.exe -quit -batchmode -nographics -configfile="& $ConfigFile &" -dedicated") Sleep (70000)Else Local $MEM = ProcessGetStats($PID, 0) If $MEM[0] > $ExMem And $ExMemRestart = "no" Then FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_ExcessiveMemoryLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1]) Sleep (10000) ElseIf $MEM[0] > $ExMem And $ExMemRestart = "yes" Then FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_RestartLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1] &" Excessive Memory Use - Restart Requested by 7dServerUtility Script") ;ProcessClose($PID) CloseServer() Sleep (10000) EndIfEndIf If @HOUR = $HotHour And @MIN = $HotMin And $RestartDaily = "yes" Then Local $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") If $PID Then Local $MEM = ProcessGetStats($PID, 0) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_RestartLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1] &" Daily Restart Requested by 7dServerUtility Script") ;ProcessClose($PID) CloseServer() EndIf Sleep (10000) EndIfSleep (500)WEnd 7dServerRemoteRestart.au3 ; Start The TCP Services ;============================================== TCPStartup() ; Set Some reusable info ;-------------------------- Local $ConnectedSocket, $szDataIf FileExists("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini") Then Local $szIPADDRESS = IniRead("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "GameServerIP", "szIPADDRESS", "") Local $nPORT = IniRead("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "RestartServerPort", "nPORT", "57539") Local $RPassword = IniRead("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "DefaultRestartPassword", "RPassword", "")Else IniWrite("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "GameServerIP", "szIPADDRESS", "") IniWrite("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "RestartServerPort", "nPORT", "57539") IniWrite("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "DefaultRestartPassword", "RPassword", "") MsgBox(4096, "Default INI File Made", "Please Modify Default Values and Restart Script") ExitEndIf ; Initialize a variable to represent a connection ;============================================== $ConnectedSocket = -1 ;Attempt to connect to SERVER at its IP and PORT 57539 ;======================================================= $ConnectedSocket = TCPConnect($szIPADDRESS, $nPORT) ; If there is an error... show it If @error Then MsgBox(4112, "Error", "TCPConnect failed with WSA error: " & @error) ; If there is no error loop an inputbox for data ; to send to the SERVER. Else ;Loop forever asking for data to send to the SERVER While 1 ; InputBox for data to transmit $szData = InputBox("Reset The 7 Days to Die Server", @LF & @LF & "Enter the code to Reset The 7 Days to Die Server:",$RPassword) ; If they cancel the InputBox or leave it blank we exit our forever loop If @error Or $szData = "" Then ExitLoop ; We should have data in $szData... lets attempt to send it through our connected socket. ; convert AutoIt native UTF-16 to UTF-8 TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, StringToBinary($szData, 4)) ExitLoop ; If the send failed with @error then the socket has disconnected ;---------------------------------------------------------------- If @error Then ExitLoop WEnd EndIfIf $ConnectedSocket <> -1 Then TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket)TCPShutdown()Click here to view the article
  16. Installation Instructions: Place 7dServerUtility.exe in the same directory as 7DaysToDie.exe and run once. It will create a default INI file that you will need to modify for your server. Once you have modified the ini, restart the script and enjoy. If you want to use Putty to safely shutdown the server, then visit http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html and download puttytel.exe . Place puttytel.exe in the same directory as 7dServerUtility.exe Remote Restart Instructions: Run 7dServerRemoteRestart.exe from anywhere. It will create a default INI file that you must modify. Modify the INI file and fill in the server IP and Restart Port. Optionally you can fill in the password field and it will save it so you don't have to type it each time. 7dServerUtility.au3 #include #include <Date.au3>#include <Process.au3>;User VariablesIf FileExists("7dServerUtility.ini") Then Local $GamePort = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameServerPort", "GamePort", "25000") Local $ConfigFile = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameConfigFile", "ConfigFile", "serverconfig.xml") Local $UseRemoteRestart = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Use_Remote_Restart?yes/no", "UseRemoteRestart", "no") Local $g_IP = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "IP_To_Listen_On", "ListenIP", "") Local $g_Port = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Port_To_Listen_On", "ListenPort", "57539") Local $RestartCode = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Remote_Restart_Password", "RestartCode", "FVtb2DXgp8SYwj7J") Local $RestartDaily= IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Daily?yes/no", "RestartDaily", "no") Local $HotHour = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Hour?00-23", "HotHour", "00") Local $HotMin = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Minute?00-59", "HotMin", "01") Local $ExMem = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Excessive_Memory_Amount", "ExMem", "2000000000") Local $ExMemRestart = IniRead("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_On_Excessive_Mem_Use?yes/no", "ExMemRestart", "no")Else IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameServerPort", "GamePort", "25000") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "GameConfigFile", "ConfigFile", "serverconfig.xml") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Use_Remote_Restart?yes/no", "UseRemoteRestart", "no") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "IP_To_Listen_On", "ListenIP", "") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Port_To_Listen_On", "ListenPort", "57539") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Remote_Restart_Password", "RestartCode", "FVtb2DXgp8SYwj7J") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Daily?yes/no", "RestartDaily", "no") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Hour?00-23", "HotHour", "00") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_Time_Minute?00-59", "HotMin", "01") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Excessive_Memory_Amount", "ExMem", "2000000000") IniWrite("7dServerUtility.ini", "Restart_On_Excessive_Mem_Use?yes/no", "ExMemRestart", "no") MsgBox(4096, "Default INI File Made", "Please Modify Default Values and Restart Script") ExitEndIfOnAutoItExitRegister("CloseServer")Func CloseServer() If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\puttytel.exe") Then $PuttyPort = $GamePort+3 Run(@ScriptDir & "\puttytel.exe -P "& $PuttyPort & " "& $g_IP) WinWait($g_IP &" - PuTTYtel","") Local $CrashCheck = WinWait("PuTTYtel Fatal Error","",5) If $CrashCheck = 0 Then ControlSend($g_IP &" - PuTTYtel", "", "", "{enter}") ControlSend($g_IP &" - PuTTYtel", "", "", "shutdown{enter}") WinWait("PuTTYtel Fatal Error","",10) Local $PID = ProcessExists("puttytel.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf Else Local $PID = ProcessExists("puttytel.exe") Local $PID2 = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf If $PID2 Then ProcessClose($PID2) EndIf EndIf Else Local $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf EndIfEndFuncFunc _TCP_Server_ClientIP($hSocket) Local $pSocketAddress, $aReturn $pSocketAddress = DllStructCreate("short;ushort;uint;char[8]") $aReturn = DllCall("ws2_32.dll", "int", "getpeername", "int", $hSocket, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pSocketAddress), "int*", DllStructGetSize($pSocketAddress)) If @error Or $aReturn[0] <> 0 Then Return $hSocket $aReturn = DllCall("ws2_32.dll", "str", "inet_ntoa", "int", DllStructGetData($pSocketAddress, 3)) If @error Then Return $hSocket $pSocketAddress = 0 Return $aReturn[0] EndFunc ;==>_TCP_Server_ClientIPIf $UseRemoteRestart = "yes" Then; Start The TCP ServicesTCPStartup()Local $MainSocket = TCPListen($g_IP, $g_Port, 100)If $MainSocket = -1 Then ExitEndIfwhile True if WinExists("Oops!") Then ControlSend("Oops!", "", "", "{enter}") Sleep (10000) EndIfIf $UseRemoteRestart = "yes" ThenLocal $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept($MainSocket)If $ConnectedSocket >= 0 Then;TrayTip("Connected","Someone connected to server.",3)$Count = 0While $Count < 30$RECV = TCPRecv($ConnectedSocket,512) If $RECV = $RestartCode Then Local $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") ; Will return the PID or 0 if the process isn't found. If $PID Then $IP = _TCP_Server_ClientIP($ConnectedSocket) Local $MEM = ProcessGetStats($PID, 0) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_RestartLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1] &" Restart Requested by Remote Host: "& $IP) ;ProcessClose($PID) CloseServer() Sleep (10000) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf$Count += 1Sleep (1000)WEndIf $ConnectedSocket <> -1 Then TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket)EndIfEndIfLocal $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe")If $PID = 0 Then Run(@ScriptDir & "\7DaysToDie.exe -quit -batchmode -nographics -configfile="& $ConfigFile &" -dedicated") Sleep (70000)Else Local $MEM = ProcessGetStats($PID, 0) If $MEM[0] > $ExMem And $ExMemRestart = "no" Then FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_ExcessiveMemoryLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1]) Sleep (10000) ElseIf $MEM[0] > $ExMem And $ExMemRestart = "yes" Then FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_RestartLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1] &" Excessive Memory Use - Restart Requested by 7dServerUtility Script") ;ProcessClose($PID) CloseServer() Sleep (10000) EndIfEndIf If @HOUR = $HotHour And @MIN = $HotMin And $RestartDaily = "yes" Then Local $PID = ProcessExists("7DaysToDie.exe") If $PID Then Local $MEM = ProcessGetStats($PID, 0) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\7dServerUtility_RestartLog.txt", @MON &"-"& @MDAY &"-"& @YEAR &" "& @HOUR &":"& @MIN &" --Work Memory:"& $MEM[0] & _ " --Peak Memory:"& $MEM[1] &" Daily Restart Requested by 7dServerUtility Script") ;ProcessClose($PID) CloseServer() EndIf Sleep (10000) EndIfSleep (500)WEnd 7dServerRemoteRestart.au3 ; Start The TCP Services ;============================================== TCPStartup() ; Set Some reusable info ;-------------------------- Local $ConnectedSocket, $szDataIf FileExists("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini") Then Local $szIPADDRESS = IniRead("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "GameServerIP", "szIPADDRESS", "") Local $nPORT = IniRead("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "RestartServerPort", "nPORT", "57539") Local $RPassword = IniRead("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "DefaultRestartPassword", "RPassword", "")Else IniWrite("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "GameServerIP", "szIPADDRESS", "") IniWrite("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "RestartServerPort", "nPORT", "57539") IniWrite("7dServerRemoteRestart.ini", "DefaultRestartPassword", "RPassword", "") MsgBox(4096, "Default INI File Made", "Please Modify Default Values and Restart Script") ExitEndIf ; Initialize a variable to represent a connection ;============================================== $ConnectedSocket = -1 ;Attempt to connect to SERVER at its IP and PORT 57539 ;======================================================= $ConnectedSocket = TCPConnect($szIPADDRESS, $nPORT) ; If there is an error... show it If @error Then MsgBox(4112, "Error", "TCPConnect failed with WSA error: " & @error) ; If there is no error loop an inputbox for data ; to send to the SERVER. Else ;Loop forever asking for data to send to the SERVER While 1 ; InputBox for data to transmit $szData = InputBox("Reset The 7 Days to Die Server", @LF & @LF & "Enter the code to Reset The 7 Days to Die Server:",$RPassword) ; If they cancel the InputBox or leave it blank we exit our forever loop If @error Or $szData = "" Then ExitLoop ; We should have data in $szData... lets attempt to send it through our connected socket. ; convert AutoIt native UTF-16 to UTF-8 TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, StringToBinary($szData, 4)) ExitLoop ; If the send failed with @error then the socket has disconnected ;---------------------------------------------------------------- If @error Then ExitLoop WEnd EndIfIf $ConnectedSocket <> -1 Then TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket)TCPShutdown()
  17. Great review! Sounds like a fun, over the top game.
  18. Sony confirmed on August 8th that Game Recording will be free regardless if you are subscribed to Playstation Plus or not. The recording feature will allow you to capture up to 15 minutes of game footage. On top of the capture feature you can share the game stream with a friend, and that friend can even take over and help you with the game. This is a step in the right direction, but this is a small step forward in contrast to a large step back. While you can record your game without Playstation Plus, you can't play multiplayer without a subscription. Click here to view the article
  19. The recording feature will allow you to capture up to 15 minutes of game footage. On top of the capture feature you can share the game stream with a friend, and that friend can even take over and help you with the game. This is a step in the right direction, but this is a small step forward in contrast to a large step back. While you can record your game without Playstation Plus, you can't play multiplayer without a subscription.
  20. The HDMI cable is nice to finally see. Should be a standard issue at this point.
  21. I still don't know what to think of this one. I really disliked the first one, but it looks like they improved on things a lot. Guess I'll have to watch some people play and find out.
  22. Not surprising and I'm sure you could cancel the preorder if you weren't happy with the date.
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