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Bethesda: Prey 2 “Simply Not Good Enough”


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A. Fucking. Men.




Now go back to what made Prey, probably one of the best underrated games in the last few decades, great. Knock off this lame bounty hunter shit. Continue the story from the first game! Give us Tommy, give us crazy portals and give us living ammunition. Have him talking to himself, have him go into spirit mode and for all that is holy, bring back Talon.


No one, and I mean no one, wanted a bounty hunter Prey game. We wanted the sequel that the first game promised at it's end.

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I don't see why they can't just rename it and still release it with all of the money and time they've put into it.  The main problem people had with it is it doesn't really see like Prey at all.  They may have been able to recoup some of their losses.  Then again, they may have made this decision while the game was still a ways from completion, and even if they released it, it would look bad on the publisher if the game wasn't looking that great even on its own merit.

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Game companies need to realize shitting out games isn't exactly the best protocol. We'd much rather wait for a later release date and have a finished product than this half-assed crap just so they can finish by launch.




Deadlines ruin games.  Now I know this is not completely universal, but usually games that have longer development times come out much better for it (provided they're actually being worked on, Duke Nukem Forever kept being tossed around by different companies).  It depends on the scale and ambition of the game, too.  Some smaller indie games don't need huge development cycles, while I think a game like Mass Effect 3 would have been much better with another six months to a year of development so it didn't have to have a deus ex machina (lazy writing tool) for an ending.  EA is a huge offender.  They buy up developers, rush them, and eventually destroy them, like Pandemic.  Look at the difference between pre- and post-EA Bioware.  Huge, amazing, lovingly crafted games like Baldur's Gate 2, then admittedly higher budget but much more linear games like Dragon Age.

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Assassin's Creed is the next Madden.


Look next year for Assassin's Creed 2014: The 60's.



I'd be perfectly fine if each AC had an extra year+ inbetween releases but at the same time, had a longer single player campaign.


Just about any AC game can be finished in less than a week.

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