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The Annual Gamercide Giveaway Rules

  • Last week we announced that The Annual Gamercide Giveaway will be taking place on February 8th, 2014. Here are the details on how you can participate in our most exciting event of the year!


WHEN: Saturday February 8th, 2014

TIME: 8:00 P.M. eastern time

WHERE: Gamercide


  • In order to participate in The Annual Gamercide Giveaway, you must be a registered and an active member on the Gamercide forums. You cannot just be a member or contributor of our online streaming. Register
  • If you would like to register for the giveaway, you must send me a PM or email to siren@gamercide.org that includes your Gamercide name and what consoles you own, handhelds, and if your PC is capable of handling large or small games.
  • I must receive all entries no later than February 1st, 2014. If any entries are received after February 1st, 2014, they will not be included in the giveaway.
  • There will be a preview date of the prizes except for the Gamercide Staff Bundle and the Grand Prize from February 3rd to February 5th. If you see a prize that you already have, please send me a PM or email and I will not include you for that prize.
  • Like last year, you can win multiple times this year in one category.
  • Everyone will have their name put in for the drawing for the Gamercide Staff Bundle and the Grand Prize. Only one name will be drawn for each prize. Keep in mind that you will not know what these prizes are until the evening of the giveaway. In past giveaways, we have given away prizes such as a netbook, gaming PC, and brand new consoles.
  • Just like last year; Bitching, moaning (except for pleasurable moaning at the sight of the awesome prizes) will not be tolerated. This year you are again given the chance to preview and opt out of prizes that you already own. If you fail to send me a message with what prizes you are opting out of due to already owning them during the preview days, then it is your own damn fault and you are stuck with it.
  • When you win a prize it is up to you to get in contact with the person who donated it to exchange your contact information. If there any problems feel free to PM me or send me an email.


If you are donating a prize this year, please send me a PM or an email with what you are donating and what platform it is form. All donations must be received by February 2nd.


  • Just like last year; there will be two "hats". One containing the prizes and the other containing the names. I will pull from the prize "hat" first, name "hat" second.
  • The last two prizes that will be given away are the Gamercide Staff Bundle and the Grand Prize. Everyone who is participating has a chance to win either of these prizes.

Keep an eye on Gamercide for any changes or added details regarding The Annual Gamercide Giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or post in the forum. Good luck to everyone who enters!


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Little heads up to everyone: Get your PM's or emails into Siren as early as possible, please. Running the annual giveaway is a huge task and it's very helpful if everyone gets their stuff in early.



  • If you would like to register for the giveaway, you must send me a PM or email to siren@gamercide.org that includes your Gamercide name and what consoles you own, handhelds, and if your PC is capable of handling large or small games.
  • I must receive all entries no later than February 1st, 2014. If any entries are received after February 1st, 2014, they will not be included in the giveaway.


Same goes for contributors. Please get those in as early as possible. Remember that Siren is limited on time. She has two very young athletic boys and another on the way. Let's make this as easy as possible for her.



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I have only gotten a little over a handful of names in so far.  I know that I gave a deadline of February 1st, but the sooner I have your name in the easier it is to get a list ready and get this party rolling.  Not to mention I have found out over the past couple of years that sometimes people forget within that couple week span and try to send a late entry in which I don't care if you have been a member since the ATC days, it's not accepted.  If you do send me a PM with your name and I don't get back to you right away, please do not fret.  Between work, the 5 classes I am taking this semester, wrestling schedules with my boys, and feeling like crap with this pregnancy I am a little busy.  I do log in here everyday though, multiple times during the day so trust me, I got your PM :)

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guys if you don't mind, go through your friends list on steam and xbox and let them know. i did this. i basically copy and pasted enter here for our contest! and added the url to the website article about the rules. i sent it to every person on my steam list and got a lot of people to respond. it seems like everyone here is lazy and complacent then are shocked that there aren't anyone signing up. there has literally be no advertising outside of gamercide.

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I'm all for having a whole slew of people sign up for the giveaway.  What I'd like to see though is if people do return to the site that they at least try to be "active" and post things every now and then. 


I dislike people just showing up for stuff and then leaving again for another year.  Just my two cents.

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guys if you don't mind, go through your friends list on steam and xbox and let them know. i did this. i basically copy and pasted enter here for our contest! and added the url to the website article about the rules. i sent it to every person on my steam list and got a lot of people to respond. it seems like everyone here is lazy and complacent then are shocked that there aren't anyone signing up. there has literally be no advertising outside of gamercide.

Nobody wants to play with a charlie in the box

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Updated the original topic with new information. I'll be hosting my own version of The Giveaway this year.

I don't get involved in giveaways, but if there is anything I can do to help out don't hesitate to ask.

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I didn't want to sign up for the giveaway when GG messaged me, because I've been away for so long. Just didn't think it would be right! As I can't guarantee I'll get back to posting all the time. Good luck to all!! <3

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Been busy LG. Got in a car accident on the 23rd of Jan (on our 21st anniversary of all days!! GRRR!) so dealing with that. But I miss you guys terribly! I just need to make sure I make the time to come in more often.

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