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Anyone else smoke?

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I've been smoking cigs for like a year now. Maybe a little longer. I'm coming up on my 21st birthday within the next two weeks and am thinking of quitting. 


Anyone quit? I'm gonna try cold turkey but may try the e-cig route if I can't pull that off. Luckily I'm not too heavy a smoker. Less than half a pack a day. 

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My brother quit smoking by just using that those electronic cigs. We always tease him that hes smoking his pen lol


In my experience of watching my families stop smoking they seem to use e-cigs a lot, they are kinda expensive tho but its a worth investment to your health.


They also go through chewing gum like crazy.

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See, I can go hours and hours on my days off of work without smoking. Like today I've only had three. 


Work days are another. I can go through half a pack a work day. 


I'm going to make my first attempt right after my 21st birthday. I'm gonna be drunk and know that will make me want to smoke. I need a sober day to start. 

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Got to agree. You really have to want to.  I've quit twice, once for a couple of years, but I slipped and went back to it. It's something you have to just do and stick with. Each day can be a struggle, but it's putting your mind to it that makes it possible. Just don't want you to end up like me. I bet I've spent the past 2 years smoking during the day and then regretting and promising myself that day was the last. It's a vicious cycle.  I don't know if I will succeed this go around, nothing is certain, but I plan to.

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Quit now, I've been using smokeless for 10 years now and I don't want to quit it's that bad. Only a year isn't much and should be fairly easy to beat. If all else fells go to the doctor, prescription pills work wonders, my parents used it and they quit first shot and said it wasn't hard at all with the pills.

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Yeah, I smoke. I want to quit, but not enough to actually do it yet. You have to want to quit more than you want to smoke. I agree with GG though, one time I tried to quit I used Chantix. That stuff is amazing. I will be using it again when I am finally ready to kick this awful habit. But everyone is right, don't go into it with an attitude of "TRY" have an attitude of "DO."

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