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Webcams, yo.


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Anyone have any suggestions on quality webcams? I was using a GearHead (which actually wasn't too bad, but I picked it up on the cheap for $20) but during the move the circuitry got smashed, which is what those weird little blue rings are when I have my cam on.


I have a late Christmas gift headed my way, so I get a webcam and a headset. Make them good suggestions, I want to bankrupt poor Minion.

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The webcam PK posted is a fancier version in the series of the webcam I got, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004YW7WCY/ref=oh_details_o09_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, which is already really good quality.  I was able to cast console games using it pointed at the screen and they looked pretty good (though I now finally have a capture card).  Plenty of brightness and focus settings to mess with to make it work right.


And a tripod is a must, for my setup at least.

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