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My Day...


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Starts out fine... go work on campus for 2 hours... go to class... then go out to have lunch with a friend...

Then this happens...


Ya... that is the front end of my car. The lovely dent appeared in the front after contact with this...


Safe to say there when my lunch plans... instead of calling for takeout... I called the police (I'm not letting that much damage go unreported).

I later find out the driver that I hit was driving across the street across three lanes of traffic. He was trying to get from one gas station driveway to another. There were no cars coming westbound and the guy in the turn lane next to me waved the guy on without my knowledge, and safe to say... the driver of the other car didn't see me until it was too late (ya... my car doesn't go from 20 to 0 in less than 10 feet).

After the cop finished the accident report I was not surprised when he gave me the good news that I was not at fault (I figured as much). But it did suck when he gave me the bad news... the guy I hit didn't have insurance. So now even though I have insurance... I still have to end up paying a deductable of 500 to get the front end damage fixed as well and some internal damage to the left front tire (the car vibrates in that location whenever I use the break or turn). If the guy had insurance, I would be out nothing but waiting for a repair but now I have no idea if I will get that 500 back because someone decided to drive without insurance.

so anyways... How was your day? lol

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Trust me... someone pulling out right in front of you can really scare the crap out of you... especially when you know you don't have time to stop.

I'm just a little upset about the fact that there may be 500 bucks I have to spend and may never get back because this guy chose not to have insurance.

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Your company will attempt to "subrogate" against the at fault driver. With him not having any insurance though you may not get anywhere.

As someone else opined, your only option may be to take the moron to civil court (small claims court). You will be suing him for the total amount of the damages, not just the deductible.

Let me know if you need more help. My PM box is open.

(Oh yeah, I am the insurance guy in case you forgot. LoL)

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Your company will attempt to "subrogate" against the at fault driver. With him not having any insurance though you may not get anywhere.

As someone else opined, your only option may be to take the moron to civil court (small claims court). You will be suing him for the total amount of the damages, not just the deductible.

Let me know if you need more help. My PM box is open.

(Oh yeah, I am the insurance guy in case you forgot. LoL)

Thanks Chis... I'm going to be talking with my claims rep sometime today. I'll have to see how far the insurance company gets before I do anything though. I've also been working with my dad to sort this all out too.

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Don't wait to start to collect the necessary information and paperwork yourself for the civil case. I would suggest contacting the town court and asking how to go about filing the paperwork for small claims/civil cases.

Sure, let the insurance company do it's job and fix your car, but don't wait for them to tell you there's nothing they can do because he has no insurance. Know what I mean?

If you want to chat in PM lemme know. I know a few things about how this all works, considering I work for the company. LoL

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I've been in a couple of accidents in my life. It's a horrible thing to go through. After the first accident I was involved in, I would have the worst nightmares. Luckily, a lack of insurance wasn't an issue in any of my cases though. Sorry you have to go through all of this. I hope the insurance company can get it taken care of for you.

Oh, and to answer your question, my day was okay. :)

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They have got it almost completely fixed but they checked the front tire and saw that the brake pad had come loose and was rubbing the roter... They recommended that I get those replaced since they were nearing the end of their life, but now I have a $500 deductible to pay, plus $319 for new brakes and roters... :(

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Did they do that thing where they take you into the garage to show you that the brakes and rotors are worn. I totally hate that. I can never tell what I'm supposed to be seeing and just say, "umm...yeah, they look bad." Car mechanics are a girl's worst enemies.

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Do the rotors have to be replaced? Are they in such bad shape they can't be machined back down? ... and that's 319 for both front wheels correct?

Ya that is correct... I knew the brakes were close to needing replaced anyway so I knew this expense was coming... so might as well get them done now.

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Ya that is correct... I knew the brakes were close to needing replaced anyway so I knew this expense was coming... so might as well get them done now.

Not sure your exact make, but the parts for both should be less than $170. If you have any mechanical skill at all I'd recommend doing it yourself. Not that hard.

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2005 pontiac grand prix...

And as for mechanical skill, nobody in my family has any. lol

lol. Well, it's still pretty easy, provided you have some basic tools. Looks like the cost would be around $150 - $200 for parts depending where you bought them and from what manufacturer. I'd still ask about the rotors. Make sure they have to be replaced and can't be turned down. Those are what cost the most. Well, that and the stupid amount for labor. I think $70+ Hr is standard rate now.

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I think I am going to go ahead and let them do it... for a few reasons. I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to do it myself. I would have all the work on my car done in one place, which is certified by my insurance company, the work is covered by guarantee, and I believe if I did the work myself, I run the possibility of voiding the warranty on my car if the work is not done by someone the dealership approves.

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