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I would say MoP is better than cata but it does have its downfalls.

I hated cata too.

The MOP storyline is nice, and the questing isn't linear, a lot more open. The lore is very engaging, I liked it.

Pet battles are cool, I guess.

PVP is pretty broken, if you're into that. More so, the PVP gear is broken. I get one shot by people in full pvp gear all the time. One.Shot.

Once you hit 90 it's an awful grind for gear. All valor items are locked behind reps that are incredible tedious.

Only raiding I'm doing right now is LFR, because I can't find a raid team that doesn't fall apart after two weeks.

You could probably try ti for 10 days for free, but if you don't miss it I don't know why you'd bother really

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Not the best place to put them, but here they are if anyone wants them:


Xbox Live Avatar Codes:


Male Alliance Shirt:
Female Alliance Shirt:


Male Horde Shirt:
Female Horde Shirt:



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As in it's so sexy you want to take my pants off just to admire them.



My little sister and her boyfriend started playing.
Arch (her bf) Vek (my sister) and myself all chillin.

I'm really enjoying playing with them both and teaching them how to play. Everything is so new and cool to her it's really making me really appreciate the things I've learned to take for granted.

Also, we play on skype so I get ot hear her laugh hysterically at dumb things.

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