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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


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I'm late to this discussion, but better late than never.

Hellblade was an amazing game. As someone who struggles with mental and anger issues, it really struck a chord with me. At times I had to stop playing completely because it felt almost too real. It will sound ridiculous, but Senua's voices would get mixed in with my own brain screaming at me and force me to put the controller down. If you do play it, be sure to use headphones. It really gives you the sense of multiple voices in your head and if you have some there already that you use games to try and temper, it makes it tough. It probably took me a bit longer than most to complete because of this. I loved the combat, but overall it was the story and the way it was told that really does it for this one. I can't recommend it enough. I really should write up a full "One Man's Opinion" for it. We'll see. Really god game.

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I’d love “One Man’s Opinion” on this. I do still plan to play it, but I’ve been way lax on the gaming scene lately. I have th Dishonored DLC to play, and last night I bought the dlc for Horizon Zero Dawn ( one of my favorite games in some time ) that I have to play. 


I have to admit I have not put a lot of time into gaming this year, but I will continue to find time where I can. 

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Man, I really need to play Dishonored. Never finished the first one (Own it on PS4) and didn’t ever start the second. Having the PC makes it hard to not buy games on Steam.

i played a good bit of Horizon, but found myself gravitating away from it for some reason and finally traded it in. Probably rebuy it when a Game of the Year comes out.

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I have the DLC for the latest Dishonored that I need to play, and I'm waiting for the Horizon DLC to drop.  I don't know why that game pulled me in so much, but it really did. It's the first game in a long time that I have every trophy for just because I wanted a reason to keep playing.

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