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I know!!! it was supposed to start at 10 .. 1pm my time (yes I do have my own timezone) .. I got a Cliff bar and a couple imported beers and sat down and got ready to watch and now I have to wait longer!!! DAMN YOU MS!!

I hope it's not filled with a lot of "Natal" or "Kinetic" crap .. I'm sick of hearing about this project and Sony's Move too .. Okay .. we get it .. spend $100 for 30 minutes of fun, and flail around like idiots before going back to the controller and never using it again.

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OHSHI Halo Reach has space combat!!!!!!!!!1

Please please please let there be a multiplayer space battle mode a la Star Wars Battlefront 2. I've always wished there would be one, just replace the ships with Halo type ones like pelicans, and make the motherships covenant cruisers and the UNSC gunships.

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Gears did look cool but it was nothing I haven't seen before (in Gears!!). I've always thought Natal (or Kinect) was sort of cool but it's not worth spending $100 bucks to simply replace my controller. .. I can not for sports or ESPN. ..

XBOX .. .. I'm YELLING AT YOU!!! XBOX .. HEAR ME!! .. shut up!

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F*** voice commands, I'm still going to use a controller. I'm not talking to my damn Xbox lol.

oh come on Kev .. it'll keep you company during those lonely nights ..

obviously I really REALLY don't care about ESPN.. suck it MS .. you fail for this one!!

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I turned it off after about 10 minutes of Natel. It is really cool (more than I thought it would be), but I'm probably not going to spend money for it.

Anyhoo... here is my other opinions...

Call of Duty Black Ops will at least get a rent from me... Looks better than World at War already.

Gears of War 3 looks like a copy paste from the last game, but with a different story. Will probably rent.

Halo Reach....




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