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Welp, it's been a while since I posted a daily WTF. This is too good to pass up.

Have you eaten yet? If you have you may want to wait a little bit before clicking the following. Don't worry. It's not sexual or violent or particularly offensive, but damn is it hard to look at. It's a new "body modification", currently pretty popular (for reasons beyond me) in Tokyo.

WARNING: Pretty effed up shiznat here

It's called "Bagel Head". Really it is.



Basically they doctor (or whoever) injects a bunch of saline into your forehead, waits a second, then jams his thumb in the middle of it to make it look bagel shaped.

The swelling supposedly goes away after a few days as the saline is absorbed into the body. Until it does though, you look like the above images in the google gallery.

Just, wow. No words. I can only laugh haha

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