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Verizon is plans to eliminate "grandfathered" unlimited data plans

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At a recent telecom conference, a Verizon CFO indicated that there will be no plans going forward to offer unlimited data plans, even to customers (like myself) who have grandfathered contracts.

The change will occur when customers upgrade to a LTE device (higher data speeds).

Fuuuuuuuu....... I knew it was too good to be true, and my upgrade comes up in July.

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"LTE is our anchor point for data share. So, as you come through an upgrade cycle and you upgrade in the future, you will have to go on to the data share plan. And moving away from, if you will, the unlimited world and moving everyone into a tiered structure data share plan."

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Only telco offering unlimited now is sprint anyways, it won't last. Here's the hint. If you want to keep unlimited, don't go through their upgrade cycle. Yes, you'll have to pay full price for phones, but keeping unlimited is more than worth it to me.

When the new options are introduced, Unlimited Data will no longer be available to our customers purchasing handsets and signing a new contract. Customers who choose to purchase phones at full retail price and are currently on an unlimited smartphone data plan will be able to keep that plan. The same pricing and policies will apply to all 3G and 4GLTE smartphones.
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I'm not sure.

It doesn't make sense though to pay full price for thone phone at renewal to keep your unlimited plan (regardless of LTE or 3G). Verizon's deal right now basically is you get 4G of data for the 2G price (like $30 a month or something).

I dunno. Verizon pisses me off sometimes.

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Shitty, but it's been coming. I have AT&T so Ive been on a tiered plan for some time. I have never hit my limit, but that's not really the point. Point is they have us by the balls.

We want the connectivity and they're taking advantage. Hell, how much do most of us pay for txt messaging a month? And that shit has been proven to have practically 0 impact on their network.

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