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Friday Free Roam


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I'm officially giving this another go. I'm going to play GTA Friday night. I'll start casting earlier with Dust, and then switch over to GTA when it gets later. I feel like some good ole free roam is in order. Even if it's lonely free roam. If you can be, then come on in and be there. If not, well, your loss. Friday after 8pm EST. Oh, and if enough people would rather, I'll RDR.

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I would have joined but you guys were already done by the time I came online.

I still say we give GTA IV PC a try. A decent amount of us that may actually play have it. You, PK, Fap, Skylark, Outsanity, and I think GG has it, and I'm not sure if Sed has it. Apparently GFWL multiplayer is free and doesn't require XBL Gold now.

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