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so on an unrelated note, im gonna try to lead a 25 icc tomorrow. its gonna rawk, and by rawk it mean im probably gonna rage on somebody

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I did a 25 man icc on my druid last night. It was a pug and I got harassed the entire time. was awesome.

got to love being a girl on the internet eh?

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Yeah. Normally nothing comes otu of it, but these guys were just merciless. I wasn't allowed to roll on gear unless it had arp on it, unless NOBODY else needed it. He kept yelling that my dps sucked (6-7k) and I'm in pretty trash gear too. it was ridic

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Yeah. Normally nothing comes otu of it, but these guys were just merciless. I wasn't allowed to roll on gear unless it had arp on it, unless NOBODY else needed it. He kept yelling that my dps sucked (6-7k) and I'm in pretty trash gear too. it was ridic

wow that would have pissed me off. armor pen, from what i have been reading up on anyway, you stack to a certain point then go back to agility. i dont know what to say about him though, never had to deal with it and probably never will. id say 6-7k is pretty decent, and he didnt know how to act in front of a girl

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Yeah. He was saying his feral druid pulls 11k. I said, yeah so does the super geared feral in my mains guild. My druid is in pretty **** gear, and I was out dpsing people who were in t10 so I dunno. I think it was just the fact that I was female that I got picked on.

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grats e!

but your still no kingslayer :P how many hours did you have to put into that anyway?

I may not be a kingslayer but it's only because i'm INSANE lol

and I honestly can't remember how many hours but it was a TON. the worst part was dark moon faire. that took so much in game gold :(

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stealthy, when all the hot ladies are playing alliance and you still cling to the horde.....it says something about you.

you would think that all of the hot ladies play alliance, but some do play horde. i got to know one of them well enough for me to fly down there to be with here. and even though she did what she did to me she is still drop dead gorgeous. so ha not all of the good looking chicks play alliance.

although maybe the alliance chicks wont betray me like that, but then again maybe they will since im horde. oh well

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I have seen many a horde faction change and come to the light, shun their evil ways and accept the banner of the LION and KING VARIAN AS THEIR FEARLESS LEADER.

We do not hate, we will accept you into our loving Night elf arms.


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