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Who has the crappiest gaming setup?


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Omg want so hard, but my setup definitely wouldn't be the crappiest entry, maybe one of the messier ones though with all the wires and games on the floor. I wonder who will win, maybe someone with like a rock plugged into their TV? lol

Maybe it could be something creative like a TV made of cardboard with an Atari controller plugged into it?

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Many contests exclude Quebec. I think it's because of some symbolic thing they did awhile back. Quebec is known as a nation within Canada.

*edit* Wiki'd it and found this...

Sovereignty plays a large role in the politics of Quebec, and the Official Opposition social democratic Parti Québécois advocates national sovereignty for the province and secession from Canada. Sovereignist governments have held referendums on independence in 1980 and 1995; both were voted down by voters, the latter defeated by a very narrow margin. In 2006, the Canadian House of Commons passed a symbolic motion recognizing the "Québécois as a nation within a united Canada."

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Québécois ... I hate them .. I HATE THEM!!! .. god I hated them so much! .. Of course one day I may have to live there again .. and learn to speak stupid French-Canadian French .. oh the rage I still feel for them .. of course their not as bad as the Teabaggers

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