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Alien Swarm for free on Steam today


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No matter how hard I try, I cannot get used to keyboard controls for movement. Inventory items, guns etc, got it down. Moving around however, not even close.

Pretty freaking simple, too. I want to go right down the corridor, I push on d. Up, w and so on. It frustrates me to no end. I can do better, when mouse controls your camera, and I can just hold down w. lol

With that said, I wish this game had controller support.

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Here you go:


Extract it somewhere. Right click on xpadder.exe goto properties. Then click compatibility. Select Run in compatibility mode checkbox. Then select windows xp SP3. Then select run this program as administrator box at bottom. Click apply then OK.

Open xpadder.exe ( it'll ask if you're sure you want to give it privileges just click yes )

When it loads there should be a small controller icon and it should say 360controller next to it. If it doesn't click on the icon and then open. In the same folder xpadder.exe was in there will be 360controller.xpaddercontroller . Open that.

Next, click the little document icon that should say (untitled profile) next to it. Goto open>all . In the same folder there will be AlienSwarm.xpadderprofile . Open that.

Leave xpadder open and your conroller will now work with the game. You can change any key to something else with ease. Just click the corresponding button on the controller layout and a keyboard will pop up. Now click the key you want it to emulate. If you're unsure which button is which just move it or press it on the controller and it will light up. I didn't label the keys but you can match them to the keyboard config in game or just use them. Doesn't take but a few seconds to figure out.

Alternatively to changing the profile layout you can do this instead:

Just goto the keyboard configuration and edit them there. In game just hit the controller button you want instead of the keyboard button. It will change it to whatever keyboard button is mapped. .The only thing you can't change in game is the right analogue stick. That will alway emulate mouse movement unless changed in the xpadder profile.

If the right analogue movements seem sluggish then increase your mouse sensitivity in game.

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Go there and right click save as config.cfg to your hard drive somewhere.

Open your steam directory ( usually in program files )

from there goto:

Steam\steamapps\common\alien swarm\swarm\cfg

copy the config.cfg file into that folder. Overwrite the existing one and then try to load up Alien Swarm. That is pretty much the lowest settings I can make it. If it still doesn't work it may be a hardware incompatibility.

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