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Kind of unhappy with my PS Vita


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Don't get me wrong, it's an AMAZING device.  It's powerful, has a super sexy screen and is capable of some serious console quality gaming.  The problem is there is NO GAMES.


Sony is failing hard on this one.  I thought for sure they would strike out hard with their new handheld, considering it has dual analogs and all that beefy hardware. 


I can only play so much PSOne Classics (mostly RPGs).  I don't have much else to play considering I've been through Gravity Rush, the Metal Gear HD Collection, Ragnarok Oddysey and Uncharted.  :( 


Anyone else have a Vita who feels the same way? 

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Sold mine around Xmas. First system I have ever sold in my life. Having every system imaginable since the Atari 2600 made it super hard to get rid of it, but it literally sat on a shelf for about 5 months untouched. Hell, I've played my NES more than I played my Vita in the past year. If anything ever comes out for it that's worth a damn, I will purchase one again. Perhaps I'll purchase one like I did my PSPGo (Which gets more play than the Vita did as well).

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Dont get me wrong, I was happy with my PSP.  It at least had a library of games that I was interested in although I hated the UMDs. 


I'm just going to shelve it for awhile and state longingly at it.  Spawn, I just cant bring myself to sell systems.  Im such a game hoarder.


I am happy about Fire Emblem coming out tomorrow for the 3DS.  LOOOOVVVEEED the fucking demo.  Almost beat Revelations on 3DS too.  I was almost thinking about trading in my regular 3DS for an XL for the hell of it since it gets much more play

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To be honest Mrs.BE the 3D is a gimmick.  Most of the games I play with the 3D off anyways, and it's still amazing.  You would probably really like the system, not to mention it's backwards compat with the DS and it's HUGE library of awesomeness.



I can't wait for Fire emblem, and I just finished the Resident Evil game (Revelations) for it which was excellent.


Oh yah, and I traded in my regular 3DS today at best buy for $90 and upgraded to a 3DS

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No issues at ALL.  I effing LOVE the bigger screen.  It's so much better.  To be honest, and this is weird, it aslso actually makes the 3D much easier to see/use if you want.  But overall it's a much improved system, not just the bigger screen.  The buttons feel a lot more solid and the DPad is better IMO.  So yeah. 


I got mine at Best Buy.  It's on sale for $170 which is a steal all things considering.



(And I agree with LG.  Tons of games on the new system you cant play on a regular DS, and the graphical improvement is soooo noticeable.   Way more powerful.  Just look at Resident Evil Revelations.   Im amazed its on a Nintendo handheld)

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