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Mrs.BE's got a stream. S'up.


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I don't even know what's up with that background, someone made it for me.

ANYWAY. http://www.twitch.tv/mrsbadexample

I stream a ton of crap, and alternate between things because I have some serious gaming ADD. Generally stream on the weekend evenings when my manthing is at work. Right now I have Dishonoured, Chivalry, Amnesia, Bioshock and a few other things to play. (And JSR, thanks!)

Also, if anyone has any advice on upping FPS quality, please let me know. I use xsplit currently and I noticed extreme choppy funtimes when streaming Dishonoured. Last time I tweaked the settings I blew everything up so I just restored it to default.

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Hi Mrs. BadE!! :) Wub wub!

I bailed on using Xsplit for a couple reasons:

1) Open Broadcaster is FREE! I don't need to pay anything to have high quality audio

2) OB is less system intensive, and in my opinion handles streaming easier. I believe this is because it's optimized for multi-core processors and even has an option to enable that boost somewhere in the config.

Bad thing about OB? There is about a 8 second delay between what I am seeing and saying versus what the viewers are seeing/hearing.

Anyways, I'd love to help. First thing though is I'd like to know what your download/upload speeds are. Mind heading over to Speedtest.net and checking it out for me?

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Thanks for the help Panda!

Speedtest results are as such: Ping: 15ms / DL: 29.04 Mbps / UL: 1.96 Mbps

A delay in the stream wouldn't be too horrible if it means better quality streaming, but I do know the frustrations especially if you interact with your viewers - which I do. 8 seconds isn't killer though.

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8 seconds is totally doable.

K. Less than 2MB upload (which your speed pretty much mirrors mine with the 30 down and 2 up). here is what I have for settings for Open Broadcaster (again, FREE SOFTWAAARRREEE!! wooooo!)

Settings --> Settings

Encoding: Quality Balance 10, Max Bitrate 1500, Buffer 1500, Codec AAC, Bitrate 128

Broadcast Settings: Your twitch stream key goes in here

Video: I stream at 1600x900 (but then again I run everything windowed mode so I can still see twitch chat, play with pandora, etc while still playing the game). Resolution Downscale - 1.50 FPS: 30 Diasble Aero at Startup: Yes

Audio: Ummm, this is pretty easy, just wing it and experiment

Advanced: Use Multithreaded Optimizations= YES Process Priority= High, Also check off the Use higher Quality Audio Resampling

That should be it! ;)

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You are the wind beneath my wings. I'll give this a shot tomorrow (hopefully I'm over this death sickness) and see how it streams. I'll download it tonight though and mess with the settings in the meantime. Thanks so much! :D

And I play in windowed mode too because of chat, so pfft. Thumbs up.

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First assassins creed. Fuck. That. Game. I have to disable my internet just for it to start. Followed by the absolute shittiest missions. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THE SAME THING 700 TIMES STOP MAKING ME DO THESE MISSIONS.

Back on topic, I followed you. I will hit you up the next time I see you live.

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Like a flipping charm. I need to give Dishonoured a shot, because that's been the most taxing game on the system so far surprisingly, but Chivalry itself saw such a smooth increase I'm impressed - and probably won't be going back to xsplit if this is the standard for OB.

And I almost bought a membership to xsplit!

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Like a flipping charm. I need to give Dishonoured a shot, because that's been the most taxing game on the system so far surprisingly, but Chivalry itself saw such a smooth increase I'm impressed - and probably won't be going back to xsplit if this is the standard for OB.

And I almost bought a membership to xsplit!

You're welcome!

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