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SHiFT Codes


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I'd love to get me some but Steam won't even connect and therefore won't let me log into Gearbox to try putting in the Shitf code.

EDIT: Got me some. Two Hyperion shotguns. One slag, one nonelemental but quite accurate at range, both powerful. No reason to hold back on opening my chest anymore either, being level 50.

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"Specifically, we'll be posting codes on 10/5 at 6PM and 11PM CT and on 10/6 at 5AM, 11AM and 3PM CT."

You'll need to follow the official Gearbox Twitter account now. Randy tossed it over to them to handle the SHiFT codes.


When this upcoming set of codes is announced, I'll try and post the codes, here.

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PlayStation 3 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: C3CBJ-CW5HJ-6S3WJ-9B53T-5RX6C [Active 6PM-9PM CT on 10/5]

2h d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: C3CBJ-CW5CR-3R6TR-5F33T-5RXZX [Active 6PM-9PM CT on 10/5]

2h d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PC SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: WBK3T-TSH6Z-633B3-BT3TT-Z6SR5 [Active 6PM-9PM CT on 10/5]

These went out two hours ago and are good for three hours. You have one hour to claim a key.

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5m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PlayStation 3 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: 53WJB-R5CZ3-RS3C3-9TWJT-HZFHR [Active 11PM-2AM CT on 10/6]

5m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: 53WJB-R5CW6-JR6B6-5XTJT-HZFWH [Active 11PM-2AM CT on 10/6]

5m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PC SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: CTCJ3-CSHRS-X3JJT-JJTTB-RSSZR [Active 11PM-2AM CT on 10/6]

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1m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PlayStation 3 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: 5JKJT-S5WZJ-FH3WB-Z35J3-9W3XZ [Active 5AM-8AM CT on 10/6]

1m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: 5JKJT-S5WWR-BF6TF-W63J3-9W3SK [Active 5AM-8AM CT on 10/6]

1m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PC SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: W3KB3-X996S-F3TJB-TJBBJ-R5RZJ [Active 5AM-8AM CT on 10/6]

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6m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PlayStation 3 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: CJKT3-WRK9J-6ZJ53-SJKJJ-5XJTR [Active until 6PM CT on 10/6]

6m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: CJKT3-WRK5R-3XR36-KRJJJ-5XJZW [Active until 6PM CT on 10/6]

6m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

PC SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: CTCTB-3BTZZ-6BBJJ-TTJTB-JXCHC [Active until 6PM CT on 10/6]

6m d361d04bd68baae3d31069e945973c6c_normal.jpeg Gearbox Software@GearboxSoftware

This will be our last batch for the weekend! You have until 6pm (a little less than 3 hours) to grab a Golden Key!

@Kira Come to the forums more often =p

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