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Skipity: How to remove


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If you're like me and use many Firefox add-ons, you may have been surprised today, to find "Skipity" all over your damn browser. You've already looked in add-ons to remove it and couldn't find it. You've gone into View>Toolbars and didn't see it there, either.

Here's how to remove Skipity: Go into Tools>Add-Ons and go right into "Download Youtube" and either disable it, or remove it. That's it. They've paired up with advertisers like Facebook and allowed it to incorporate into places all over your browser. I chose to remove it, since I don't see them changing their decision anytime soon.

One last thing. F U Download Youtube. That was a dick move.

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Check out their privacy policy...

Privacy Policy

We firmly believe that privacy is unimportant and meaningless to you. If it were not, you probably would not have a Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account: and you certainly wouldn't ever use a search engine like Google. If you're one of those tin-foil-hat crazies that actually cares about privacy: stop using our services and get a life.

We agree with Mark Zuckerberg when he pithily opined "The age of Privacy is Over."

And that's just the first two paragraphs. When you read the entire thing, it looks like a troll. For instance - "10. Spam. You agree that nothing we do with the access and information you grant to us shall be called Spam: even if it is. We prefer the term "bacon", because . .. mmmmmmmm bacon."


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I know for a fact that people are upset over this decision the add-on author decided to make. I know this because of all of the guest's views of this topic, and I know it from all of the 'reviews' on the add-on's page.


The author doesn't seem to care how anyone feels about it, either. Go read the author's replies to each and every bad review it recently got. haha

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I guess the mods over at PC World NZ don't want to approve my post in their Skipity thread. The one where my instructions on removing Skipity have been copied from here and pasted to over there. I'm not upset or anything. Just wanted to thank the paster for spreading the word and helping people remove this garbage.

The link to the copy/paste


*Update* They passed my post through. Thanks PC World NZ.

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