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The lady Across The Street From Me Got Attacked By Pitbulls

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I just knew that was going to happen. Every time I go outside with my dog I always think there is going to be some dog on the loose roaming around is going to attack my dog. I usually carry a knife around with me, I would carry a bat but I don't want to get in trouble. I might do it now since the cops were called and I can just explain to the cops why I have a bat. Her dog survived barely, he kind of looks like the dog on Something About Mary with the cast on his body lol. I just hate ignorant dog owners. Nobody even knew the people who owned the pit bulls had them, if they'd take them walking every now and then and socialize they probably wouldn't have attacked anyone. I know my dog won't attack other dogs, he might go for a person if they reach for him but I just have to make sure I tell everyone not to reach for him. But he is always on a leash, unless we are running laps. I feel bad because nobody helped the lady, I showed up after it happened, and I would have helped her if I was at home, most everyone in my cove gets home around the same time so I really don't think anyone was at home, a guy checking meters on houses was around luckily and got the dogs away. I told her just make sure they pay for everything and if they don't sue those *******. Only if they refuse to pay of course. They gave the smaller pit bull back to the owner because the meter guy said it wasn't going for the throat it was just nipping at the dog, the bigger one though was sent to the pound, and they have the option to put it to sleep or remove it from the city, which I've never heard of and I'd rather them just remove it honestly, the man said he had a friend out in the country that would take him. I have a friend that had an owner sick a pit bull on him and his dog while they were walking, and he has a carry permit, he pulled the gun out and the dog kept coming and the guy was trying to call the dog back he fired off a shot in the air and the dog took off yelping lol. I might need to look into getting a carry permit, I wouldn't go around shooting dogs but this neighborhood is crazy with dogs. I got off work one night and had 3 freaking dogs on my front porch, all of them dogs I knew because it was storming and they all escaped their back yards some how. I just hate bad owners. I hate the owner of the pit bulls anyways he always gives me this really big same sex oriented smile whenever drive by so I flip him off every time I see him lol.

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ive had my dog for a year now lol. I know it dont seem that long but he is full grown now lol. Iuno I can wait till I see some dogs and snap a picture. Like last night I was walking jack and two tiny dogs ran up on us from out of no where, there are always dogs just roaming around.

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This seems to be happening a lot lately. Over here a little child was killed by a pitbull in her own home. I wasn't even her dog, it escaped its house and went in after her. Bit another child too. It is bad owners, not watching their dogs and keeping them inside their property. Really, really sad.

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i have a lot to say about this type of thing, but i'm not gonna sit here and type it all out. people who raise dogs into weapons should sit in jail for a long, long time. dogs are meant to sit at our right hands, and it's a travesty the way people use them.

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Indeed. I heard such a stupid thing the other day that I almost had to say something. Was at the drive through and our dog was in the car with us. She's just a 15 pound small thing. Well, the lady at the drive through said " You're dog looks so mean. I would love to have a dog that looked like that. Only bigger so it could just tear right into you"

I mean, WTF am I suppose to say to that. Such stupidity.

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same thing happened the other day here. a pit attacked a little dog that was with a ten year old girl in front of their house. Damn lucky it wasn't the girl that got attacked. Most dogs are pretty good and will act however their raised to, but pits along with rotts and some dobermans have to be raised very carefully because they have a natural inclination to violence that was bred into them. It's not really their fault, it's their instinct. that being said, certain precautions should be mandated if an owner wants to have pitbulls.

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