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Capture Card Recommendations for streaming from Consoles


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So I'm looking into maybe eventually getting a capture device to let me stream from my Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii, but don't know much about them.

I was told this (http://www.amazon.co...06604332&sr=8-1) was good for the price, but after looking at some user reviews and such they say it can lower the video quality you actually see in your game, and it only captures at 480p.

Does anyone know of any other good capture cards? If it's a cheaper one that's still good I can get it fairly soon, if not it would be something I look into later if I want to get a higher end one for better quality.

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Another thing, I am only able to stream at around 500-600 Kilobits per second (or up to 70-75 KiloBytes per second) on my current connection, so the device would have to support lower bitrates. I was able to get my PC streaming at 720p though with XSplit and Dxtory, so with the device doing most of the processing, I would imagine I should be able to do the same streaming from consoles.

I'm streaming PC at 720p at a video bitrate of about 500 lol (with 128 for audio), so it's like somewhat blocky pseudo 720p.

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The one on amazon doesn't sound too bad. It doesn't capture full HD, but that wasn't the point. It's suppose to allow HD playback on the TV while capturing at 480p. Hexus.gaming gave it a pretty good review.


I'd keep it in mind. The Intensity pro is nice, but the video quality in the link above isn't bad at all.

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That footage doesn't look that bad at all, but 480p isn't so nice looking at my low bitrate lol. Streaming at 720p at least with my setup makes up for it a little bit and makes it a little clearer.

I'll still consider it, if I go with that one I could get it pretty soon. Might be easier to setup too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My inability to move my pc next to my gaming consoles so I can stream makes me a sad panda.





And two of these



The component cables range from around 1.5 feet to 100 (just be sure to measure, they often end up not reaching as far as you'd think due to "climbing" up shelves and whatnot to reach behind the TV). I got those, except the cable I got was only 6 feet. I also got one of these for convenience


Depending on how your capture card works if you get one, you might need a USB extender as well, which could be either a really long male to male cable and a USB coupler, or a long female to male cable if you can find one.

Getting the cables is the easy part (and honestly not that pricy at MonoPrice). The hard part is convincing anyone else living in your house that running the cables across the entire house is for the good of science. lol

Oh also you might not be able to see the computer monitor to reply to chat. DVI extender? Long range wireless keyboard and mouse? LOL

As for my situation with getting a capture card, I'm about to the point where I'm comfortable dropping the money on the Blackmagic Intensity, but I'm currently wondering if it's even worth it. I don't have the greatest upload speed, and not a whole lot of people watch my casts anyways aside from the people PK invites. It would be good to have for press related stuff like streaming contests, but another thing, it sort of feels like you have less freedom to just play your game whenever when you want to be streaming it. I only stream when I have a couple solid uninterrupted hours, but still would want to play my games during the day, but would feel bad for the cast skipping around. lol

I do like that it adds a social element to my single player games though, seeing as I don't play a whole lot of multiplayer lately.

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I read a review in GI on the Roxio capture box we'd discussed before. They seemed to like it, but the review wasn't really technical enough to get much from it. The BMI is nice, but until recently I was streaming at 640x360 on the console games with it anyhow. Which the 480p capability of the Roxio can do just fine. The way I see it, if you don't have at least a 1.5MB upload, the BMI isn't going to be worth the cost and headache.

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But if I'm going to get a good console capture device, I'd like to get a really good one, in the event that I ever upgrade my internet speeds. As opposed to getting the Roxio now, then eventually getting a BMI later on when I have better internet, and therefore spending the money on both. I'm just debating at the moment whether I need one to begin with. I also heard from some user reviews that the Roxio Game Capture can slightly reduce image quality on the game displayed on your TV.

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OXM didn't like the Roxio. I'll give the pro and cons, instead of typing up everything.

6.0 out of 10.


Record video proof of your Xbox awesomeness; easy to use software


Doesn't capture HD video; no Mac support

Significant picture-quality loss even when not recording


Will Roxio release a 720p version for $200? We'd (probably) buy that!

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Kevin, I may be selling my Intensity Pro soon. I'm going to switch to the shuttle since I'm scrapping my desktop and using my laptop instead. The intensity pro is a pain in the *** to setup, but once you get it going, the stream quality is really nice, especially using HDMI.

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Kevin, I may be selling my Intensity Pro soon. I'm going to switch to the shuttle since I'm scrapping my desktop and using my laptop instead. The intensity pro is a pain in the *** to setup, but once you get it going, the stream quality is really nice, especially using HDMI.

I may be interested. What condition/age is it, and how much were you thinking? It's $189 new at Amazon, with no shipping cost or taxes. I was thinking of getting it maybe by the end of this month if I do. But if I might be able to buy yours, I could wait on whenever you get your new one setup. We'll have to chat on Steam sometime.

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