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Buying MS Points on Your Console


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So, I just found out that MS changed the prices and made the amount of points you buy ACTUALLY WORK WITH WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY.

400 - $4.99

800 - $9.99

1600 - $19.99

4000 - (Not sure, didn't look at it)

Hey, at least you would pay what you would pay in store, and not have an uneven quantity of MS Points now, : D

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No more having to go to Zune, and buying two 400MS when I wanted to grab an XBLA game.

Yup, thats what I always did. I actually just told another xbl member on the forums, that they could do this, maybe a week ago. He was biatching about the "extra points," that MS does it on purpose so you buy more stuff.

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