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Coyandchris's Game Stream!


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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok folks, I think I'm going to be streaming some tonight. I can't figure out what I will stream though. I'm thinking I might install an older FPS, Painkiller, and give that a go for a while and see how rusty I am. :)

I'll post a link when I get it up and running.

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It's actually really simple to use. For the most part, just download it and run it. Then all you have to do is add the executable file for the game you want windowed, and run it with DXWnd open. It usually automatically detects what settings it needs, although some games don't seem to work with it. It seems older games are more likely to work.

I also recommend ShiftWindow if you are playing a game windowed and would like it to look fullscreen. What it does is moves and resizes the window to hide the borders. For mme it's great for streaming a game at full 1920x1080 windowed (so it's streamable) and having JTV chat on a second monitor (or rather TV). Just as easy to use, too.

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It's actually really simple to use. For the most part, just download it and run it. Then all you have to do is add the executable file for the game you want windowed, and run it with DXWnd open. It usually automatically detects what settings it needs, although some games don't seem to work with it. It seems older games are more likely to work.

I also recommend ShiftWindow if you are playing a game windowed and would like it to look fullscreen. What it does is moves and resizes the window to hide the borders. For mme it's great for streaming a game at full 1920x1080 windowed (so it's streamable) and having JTV chat on a second monitor (or rather TV). Just as easy to use, too.

Totally downloaded both... ShiftWindow is just awesome paired with dxwnd

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Shutup Kev. I do what I can!!!!

I'm just working on getting my stream linked on the actual Gamercide/Live page. I want to stream lots of stuff. Once I beat Doom 3 I'm going to do a whole run through of the old Command & Conquer FPS, 'Renegade'. I LOVED that game when I came out.

I figure I'll stream lots of old school but cool games for the hell of it. :)

Thanks for checking it out Dat. I'm glad you helped me with some of the XSplit settings. It did turn out pretty well, didn't it? At one point I had SEVEN viewers (my current all time best!) and I Was pimping out Gamercide.org through the chat while i Was playing. :)

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Also, Iwas getting a lot of laughs from my viewers because i kept whipping out the flashlight and bashing dead zombies in the testicles to gib them. Was pretty funny. People in the channel kept telling me to "BASH THEIR NUTS!" every time I ran across a dead dude on the ground. LoL

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SWEET! This weekend if I get a chance I will do another powerplay sessions. 5+ hours of Doom3 was intense. Didn't die a single time, until the end of course. LoL ******** turrets!!

I'll stream again soon. Thanks for linking me. :) I'll keep trying to build viewership and pimp our website. :)

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And just to check, do you think the quality was ok? Sound was good? I could try tweaking a bit more, but I was playing windowed mode on high settings. I don't think it turned out horrible, but of course being a stream it's not hi-def. LoL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check it out, I can finally stream Magicka pretty well. Before I got the new vid card it was super choppy, but now I think it looks and runs just fine. ;) Hooray! <br><br><br>

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="300" width="400" id="clip_embed_player_flash" data=http://www.justin.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf bgcolor="#000000"><param name="movie" value=http://www.justin.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashvars" value="auto_play=false&start_volume=25&title=Magicka - Playing Live!&channel=coyandchris&archive_id=280911012" /></object><br /><a href=http://www.justin.tv/coyandchris#r=-rid-&s=em class="trk" style="padding:2px 0px 4px; display:block; width: 320px; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;">Watch live video from CoyAndChris on Justin.tv</a>

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