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Conan Exiles Server Utility


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9 hours ago, Dateranoth said:

Are you running multiple servers on that PC? If so, are you using a shared steamcmd directory?

Does this file exist in the steamcmd directory?


Also, if  \steamapps\appmanifest_443030.acf exists, could you send that file to me? Thanks

1.)  Yes, we are running multiple servers.  Not only Conan but also other games use that SteamCMD to update.  We've got a regular server and then a test server for Conan. Now that I think about it the update.bat files are specially named too.

2.) No, that file does not appear to exist in the steamapps folder. I looked at the subfolders in there as well. 

I am a little bit nervous right now too because instead of just setting up a fresh server I'm going to be cloning an existing server with player, clan, and item files and using your utility to manage. I'm not sure if I should set up the server with the utility from scratch and move over the saved file or apply it to an existing server.

Thank you SO MUCH for your help!


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1 hour ago, Renwmn said:

1.)  Yes, we are running multiple servers.  Not only Conan but also other games use that SteamCMD to update.  We've got a regular server and then a test server for Conan. Now that I think about it the update.bat files are specially named too.

2.) No, that file does not appear to exist in the steamapps folder. I looked at the subfolders in there as well. 

I am a little bit nervous right now too because instead of just setting up a fresh server I'm going to be cloning an existing server with player, clan, and item files and using your utility to manage. I'm not sure if I should set up the server with the utility from scratch and move over the saved file or apply it to an existing server.

Thank you SO MUCH for your help!


Glad to help. I need to check and make sure nothing was changed in the update process. It could be that I’m looking at the wrong version now that the game is released. 

Can you remove any personal details and send me your INI? Also, can you send me the file above from your Conan server directory?

You can run the app from an existing server, just be sure the INI is configured properly. It can make changes to Conan configs, but it backs everything up first. 

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I sent it via a message with text.  I couldn't find an e-mail address to send so I hope that was okay. If that doesn't work for you and you would like it sent a different way please let me know!  

Thanks again!


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I'm also having a problem with the Discord Webhook functionality but that just might be me because I'm a webhook newbie.  I'm thinking it can work just by setting up the webhook right on Discord or do I need to have a separate bot?   I need to delve into that more.  The update issue is more critical.


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The PM message is fine.  The discord webhook works directly through discord.  Just Create a new web hook. Name the bot what you want, select the channel, and save. Copy the Full webhook URL and paste it



Be sure to remove



I can't find anything wrong with the application or your settings for updating. Try this on your test server:


Set the update interval to every 5 minutes

Open the appmanifest_443030.acf and change the buildid to "12345" and save the file. Then wait and see if it triggers an update. 


I think what happened, and I've seen this before, is they pushed the latest update as ready before it was actually out to all the servers.  So, the app found that there should have been an update available, but when steamcmd tried to get it the old file versions were still in place.


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3 hours ago, Renwmn said:

While we were communicating a Conan update happened that I didn't catch. It looks like it worked!  I'm so sorry I wasted your time.  I'll send you the log.

Ok. RCON support has been added. I wasn't able to directly test the messages because I don't have the game installed, but it should be sending the restart message to the users too.


Latest Version

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3 hours ago, Renwmn said:

I'm getting an error message with using the new version of the utility. 


I found the problem and fixed it. Stupidly didn't declare a variable if rcon was disabled. It's corrected in the latest version.



I actually use to hang around the Admin Discord more, but I haven't been on there in a while.  You don't have to donate anything, but if you really want to you can help with our web hosting costs by donating directly to


or you can donate via paypal to donations@gamercide.org .

Sorry for the bug!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This utility is awesome. Just trying to figure out a few odds and ends. 

-HotHour, Which one do I use. I assume you have multiple? I have tried to put a time in the first one and it did not restart.

[Restart Server Daily? yes/no]
[Daily Restart Hours? 00-23]

-How do i keep it from restarting if I am messing with the settings? I am sure this is a easy fix.

Remote Restart - http://IP:Port?KEY=user_pass] Is the IP the VM ip? or the server ip?

Discord Bot is not working either, I copied the hook over correctly.


DiscordBotName=Conan Exiles Discord Bot



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59 minutes ago, kackarot said:

This utility is awesome. Just trying to figure out a few odds and ends. 

-HotHour, Which one do I use. I assume you have multiple? I have tried to put a time in the first one and it did not restart.

[Restart Server Daily? yes/no]
[Daily Restart Hours? 00-23]

-How do i keep it from restarting if I am messing with the settings? I am sure this is a easy fix.

Remote Restart - http://IP:Port?KEY=user_pass] Is the IP the VM ip? or the server ip?

Discord Bot is not working either, I copied the hook over correctly.


DiscordBotName=Conan Exiles Discord Bot




The hour is in  HH format. If you want it to restart at 1100 only then set every hothour#=11


There are two options. On the system tray right click the icon (looks like the favicon on this site. A grim reaper) and choose exit. It will ask if you want to shut the server down or exit. If you exit without closing the server you can make changes to the Utility INI without shutting the server down. It will remember which server was running and reattach when you open it. 


If you choose close server it will gracefully shut down the server then exit. 


Alternatively you you can pause it by clicking on the icon once. While the read X is flashing the script is paused. Right click and select to resume. 


Remote restart KEY is just a secondary option to choose a different key to trigger restarts. Security through obscurity deal. 


To use remote restart you would type the public facing IP:PORT then the rest of the string. So.

If my server was at

my remote restart settings were




To restart remotely I would type this into a browser:


The hook looks correct. It will only broadcast before it attempts to restart. Remote restart and manually closing will not broadcast. These are considered admin controlled so they immediately restart or close the server. 

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  • 11 months later...
Hello I just discovered your forum.
I discover your script for a server Conan Exiles I find it super intersting.
But I do not understand how we do to install it and run your scripts I look at the Redame.md but I still do not understand can help me understand.

I thank you in advance.
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Go to that page and download either the x86 or x64 file.

Run it, it will create an INI file. Modify that file with your settings (server name etc) and then run the exe again to start.

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