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Ava wants awesome streams to follow


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uh me ur welcome

People I follow and ACTUALLY watch on a regular basis (not heroes streamers though, dunno if that makes a difference) are:

lobosjr, fieldyfield, tigercrush, laurentheflute, purister, kehnee, sinaea, theofficiallou

A lot of them are Wolfpack members, but are super awesome people to watch. Lobos is like 90% Dark Souls, Fieldy does a bunch of different games, Tiger is currently playing Darkest Dungeon but does these awesome split games where he does two SNES games at the same time. Lauren does classic RPGs but also sings and plays flute, purister is mostly FPS, kehnee is almost 100% LoL, sinaea is everything BioWare and lou is... lou.

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