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About Dateranoth

  • Birthday 01/11/1984

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    Lexington, KY

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  1. I would have to modify the code for both of these. It’s not a huge deal, but I haven’t had a lot of time lately to work on it. I will see if I can work in some time to add the features.
  2. You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything else.
  3. You need to remove all of the other information. You must delete the entire line after =, including all of the below -NO TRAILING SLASH AND USE FULL URL FROM WEBHOOK URL ON DISCORD If you are using notepad or word pad turn off word wrap. Everything in the line after = should be deleted BEFORE you paste in the url. So when you get done this is what you should see with nothing between the webhook setting and the botname setting. DiscordWebHookURL=https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/123### DiscordBotName=MyBot
  4. DiscordWebHookURL=https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/*************************************** In the above section delete everything after the = Paste your web hook after the = EXAMPLE: DiscordWebHookURL=https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/583###
  5. Have you copied the webhook to the INI file and enabled the bot in the INI? If you’re not sure, private message me the webhook url and the INI file and I will check to see if it’s set up correctly.
  6. https://github.com/Dateranoth/ConanExilesServerUtility/releases/tag/3.3.0-beta.3 Go to that page and download either the x86 or x64 file. Run it, it will create an INI file. Modify that file with your settings (server name etc) and then run the exe again to start.
  7. Sorry I haven't been around to see this! Been a bit busy of late, but I'm glad you were able to update this to continue working with 7days to Die! I'm not always on top of the posts, but if you need me, shoot me a Direct Message.
  8. Awesome entertainment system setup, and I wish you the best in being your own boss!
  9. It’s pretty similar. I know he has all the same features and more except I’m not sure about mod updates.
  10. As far as I know, rcon is the only way to send messages to the actual server. I believe some other utilities have their own built in rcon tools that might work better for you. https://github.com/NullSoldier/serverthrall
  11. I’m not really sure. I didn’t make the mcrcon utility. I am just using it to send the rcon messages with my utility. You could start a ticket here: https://github.com/Tiiffi/mcrcon Does it not work with my utility either?
  12. @kackarot Does it happen when it tries to send the message?
  13. Oh, and if that is a real hook you will want to generate a new one and delete that one. Anyone can broadcast to your Discord with that.
  14. The hour is in HH format. If you want it to restart at 1100 only then set every hothour#=11 There are two options. On the system tray right click the icon (looks like the favicon on this site. A grim reaper) and choose exit. It will ask if you want to shut the server down or exit. If you exit without closing the server you can make changes to the Utility INI without shutting the server down. It will remember which server was running and reattach when you open it. If you choose close server it will gracefully shut down the server then exit. Alternatively you you can pause it by clicking on the icon once. While the read X is flashing the script is paused. Right click and select to resume. Remote restart KEY is just a secondary option to choose a different key to trigger restarts. Security through obscurity deal. To use remote restart you would type the public facing IP:PORT then the rest of the string. So. If my server was at my remote restart settings were Restartport=5478 key=restart restartpass=myrestartpass To restart remotely I would type this into a browser: The hook looks correct. It will only broadcast before it attempts to restart. Remote restart and manually closing will not broadcast. These are considered admin controlled so they immediately restart or close the server.
  15. I found the problem and fixed it. Stupidly didn't declare a variable if rcon was disabled. It's corrected in the latest version. https://github.com/Dateranoth/ConanExilesServerUtility/releases/latest I actually use to hang around the Admin Discord more, but I haven't been on there in a while. You don't have to donate anything, but if you really want to you can help with our web hosting costs by donating directly to https://www.dreamhost.com/donate.cgi?id=16156 or you can donate via paypal to donations@gamercide.org . Sorry for the bug!
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