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New Graphics Card Shopping


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I'm in the market for a new graphics card for my pc.  I currently have 2 GTX 460s and I would like to get rid of the SLI setup and go for a single super-powerful gpu.


Not looking for a titan, but maybe the next best thing. About to get my bonus from work so I could probably have a max of maybe $500-$600 tops.  Around $300 would probably be preferred though.


Currently looking at the GTX 680, but would like to hear what the other options are.


(Looking at you Dat. lol)

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Have AMD graphics in my laptop, but have never had a desktop card before.  


Have always been skeptical when hearing about driver issues and heat problems and the reviews I have read seem to confirm that:



Limited lifetime warranty, specs, and 3 free games for only $420 is damn tempting on this card.  Heat and driver issues are what I am concerned about:




So yeah, I could probably switch if convened.  Just never had much experience with AMD cards...

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~$100 in Free games, 100 bucks cheaper, and better performance?  I say go for the Radeon. I've used them, and I don't hate them.  They have some issues in special circumstances, but if you are hooking them to a monitor for gaming they are fine.  I am biased towards Nvidia, but at that price range they just don't have anything to offer at the moment.

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So I guess free shipping = 3 day shipping. Tracking shows it will be here by Wednesday.

And as far as RMA goes, if the cats would ever go bad in the time I have it I'll keep at least one of my 460's handy. Shouldn't happen but safe to be ready in case

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