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Gaige (Mechromancer) Twitter and new wallpaper


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Her skill trees are way out there. One is the 'controversial' girl friend tree, Best Friends Forever. It'll make the game easier for newcomers. A missed shot can reflect and hit an enemy 50% of the time. Then there's the skill tree for the hardcore players, Ordered Chaos.

"This tree that lets you stack abilities—using a skill called anarchy—for ultimate damage. This skill lets you calculate and plan hits based on your own strategizing. Stacking the Mechromancer's abilities can even involve imbuing Deathtrap with fire damage if you've got the right elemental weapon equipped and decide to include him in your stacked hits. You can invest in skill points in this tree to specify that a certain sequence of hits will give you bonus damage on a certain numbered hit. If you're airborn when you strike with a critical hit, the Mechromancer gets additional stacks of anarchy for more potential damage."

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