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Waiting for the next Half Life........still. Otherwise can't really think of anything, I guess it will be interesting to see Halo 4, but it will take a lot to sell me on that one. It would be nice to see a good star wars game announced, the force unleashed games were....decent, but besides those and the lego games there hasn't be anything as good as the old Jedi Knight games.

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We'll probably see the Wii U reintroduced, Xbox 720 unveiling, possibly the PS4 (I don't believe Sony wanted to give up another generation lead to Microsoft), alot of Kinect junk, more talk of how the Xbox is a multimedia hub, Halo 4, Assassin's Creed 3 and Zelda (Wii U) gameplay trailers. What I don't think we'll see, are any new IPs. This will probably be another year of sequels.

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