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Take my Steam coupons


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So I have all of these


And they expire March 1st. I don't have any desire to get anything that they would apply to. Multiple coupons do not stack. Just reply in this thread with your Steam username (or PM it to me if you're more comfortable with that) and what you want, and I can friend you and gift you a couple of these to use. I might also ask a couple of my friends on Steam if they want to use any. You don't have to be a previous member of the forum to ask for one if you found this thread through Google or something, just register and reply.

I'm sure others here have unused coupons from that contest, so feel free to add them to this thread. Probably the only real good ones are the 50% off Valve, you can get Portal 2 for $15. Or you could get Sonic Generations for $20 with the SEGA one.

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