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Asura’s Wrath to release in 2012


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According to the Playstation Blog, Asura’s Wrath, Capcom’s upcoming game that puts hack and slash gameplay in an Asian mythological settings, is planned for a 2012 release on both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

It’s not your typical action game where you start out with a small sword and work up to a huge weapon; it doesn’t have that style of progression. However there are various stages where Asura can power up – you have already seen here that he started out with two arms and then he has six, and there will be quite a few transformations along those lines. The character you see here is not all there is.

You can see the epic reveal trailer here, via IGN’s Youtube channel: Asura’s Wrath: Official Reveal Trailer

That’s just about all we know about Asura’s Wrath right now, other than that it satisfies a common request from modern games fans – the option to choose between Japanese and English voiceover. It’s coming to PlayStation 3 in 2012.

I can just hear the otaku in me screaming out “zomg Asian God of War!”.  This game looks like it will be incredibly badass.

via the official Playstation Blog

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  • 8 months later...

So this game releases in three days (the 21st) and still looks really badass. I'm trying to resist though, I have my "wait for it to be on sale" methodology for a reason (no shortage of unplayed games in my backlog, save money, etc.). The main reason I'd want to get it right away would be so I could get the preorder items from Amazon and write a review of it. Haven't done a review in a while, but at least Mass Effect 3 looks good enough to get at launch so I may end up doing that one.

Either way I definitely want to get this game at some point. I get the feeling it may not be too long for a price drop on it (maybe around 6 months), and it seems like it could be a short game. I'm going to try out the demo today.

Another nice thing, it's confirmed for the PS3 version at least that it does have a Japanese voice-over option on the NA version.

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Just played the demo and wow. It's just full of holy-sh*tness. It lets you play parts of Episode 5 and 11. In 5 you fight the giant guy from the trailer that hits you with his meteoric space finger (though he starts out slightly less cosmic in scale). In 11 you fight a guy not unlike Asura, on the moon (at least, starting on the moon 0.o ), set to somewhat classical music. It was amazing.

In terms of actual gameplay the controls were a little basic, and it had a fair amount of quick time events, but they were fun and well done. Looks like it'll just be really badass.

This game is right up my alley, it's like the best of ridiculous anime fights.

EDIT: Gah so tempting, but I should pass for now since it will likely go down in price quickly since it doesn't have a huge amount of marketing. Plus I just found out Ninja Gaiden 3 is coming out next month as well, shortly after ME3. Guess I'll wait, the preorder DLC is just a couple booster items that make the game easier, which might take away some of the fun anyways. Still might get it soon, but going to try to resist. At least most of the other games I want this year are out much later on.

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Wall of text, I know, I know, but yeah, I caved in to temptation and just preordered it after reading some stuff about it from IGN (after watching gameplay and such on Youtube). Sounds like there's a lot to the game, a very interesting style of presentation. Plus I'll be able to review it myself.

This now, I'll get my monies at the end of the month and probably pick up ME3, and NG3 can wait until later.

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Seems like you talked yourself into getting it AK! lol. I haven't heard much about this game.. is it fighting game or an action game?

That's kind of the weird thing about the game. It's supposedly about half as much interactive anime with QTEs thrown in as it is fighting/action game, maybe even more so on the interactive anime front. But from all that I've seen, it'll be one of the most ridiculously insane things you'll ever see. It's supposed to be pretty innovative in attempting this direction, which can be a good or bad thing. Either way it'll be fun to review as well.

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There, now I don't feel so badding about dropping 60 on this. I just managed to nab Dark Souls for 25. 35 used at GameStop, plus the CAG16 code (5 off negates tax/shipping), plus a 10 gift card. lol.

I have no problems with used so long as the disc works. 90% of my games are digital anyways these days.

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