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The Tyson knockouts


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I think it was Holmes who said "I've never been hit so hard, that I felt my feet leave the canvas. No one hits harder than that kid.".

Pretty cool watching them all at once. You can see Tyson's preferred method of landing a solid left side gut shot, followed up by that earth shattering uppercut. I pity any man that had to endure that combo. lol

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Thanks for this! I loved watching him back in the day. I hated seeing him fall to Douglas who could not even defend the title. Brings back memories though. My favorite NES title of all time is of course Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. I still have the cartridge to this day :)

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Lets be honest, Tyson was a great boxer against hacks. He'll be remembered more for his persona and raw knockout power, than his technical boxing skill. He was good, but it's hard to place him at the highest echelon, when compared to guys like Lennox Lewis, Evander Holyfield, Shane Mosley, Manny Pacquiao, Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali and Floyd Mayweather. Those guys all boxed good, hard opponents and pulled out the victory's in the clench. Tyson was a one trick pony...

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I just always thought it to be a disservice to call Tyson one of the best, when you had guys year over year boxing the highest caliber guys in the game, defending titles and winning, while Tyson went out and steamrolled a bunch of no names with losing or neutral records.

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Biggs, Tucker, Tubbs, Holmes and Spinks. Spinks had never lost a fight and after being KO'ed in the first round against, Tyson, never fought again.

His stats for defending his title are all over the place and very hard to verify. Some say he defended his title 19 times. If that's true, that's pretty huge. You don't fight shlubs. You only fight people who are eligible for title fights.

I loved watching Tyson fights. They were always dramatic and you almost always saw a knockout. Sometimes, you didn't even get your PPV moneys worth. lol

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No you're right, Tyson definitely fought some really good guys back in the day, I just don't think that was the overall theme of his career. Alot of Tyson's early career competition (at least the guys with a better W/L column) hadn't boxed guys a quarter the skill of Tyson going into their fights with him and build their careers on the backs of lesser fighters, as was the case with boxing for the longest time. They didn't want to sell off their golden goose. I always looked at those match ups as throw aways.

Not taking anything away from the guy, because at the end of the day, Mike Tyson accomplished so freaken much in such a short time. Hell, he's still the youngest heavyweight champion ever and that speaks volumes for the particular skill set he had.

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