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Xfps 5.0


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Well, I've been following XCM since I first bought my Xbox 360 and wished I could use a mouse and keyboard with it. They have finally released a version of their hardware that I am very interested in.



The old versions were hardware based only and you had to take the time to individually map the keys one at a time. The latest one connects directly to a PC or laptop and uses their keyboard/mouse . All the keys are mappable in software which makes switching between games MUCH easier. I just ordered it today, and I'm hoping it will arrive sometime next week. I'll let you guys know what I think.

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Well, it came in today, and I have had the chance to play around with it on Halo Reach. So, first impressions. Incredibly easy to hook up. Does require a computer, but I new that from the get go. Set up wasn't too bad. Once the software is installed you have to make a profile for each game you want to play and enter what key should emulate each button. The view movement felt REALLY choppy at first, but I managed to correct it by setting the in game sensitivity to default. It's still a little jumpy but much more playable for me. I'm on a cheap wireless keyboard and mouse right now, and it has by no means made me an excellent Halo player. However, the game is feeling much more enjoyable for me. Not perfect, and not like playing a PC game with a mouse and keyboard, but as damn close as you can get I think.

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Me playing Halo Reach with a Keyboard and mouse. I'm by no means super awesome, but it feels a lot better to me with the KB/M . All in all I think I'm happy with this adapter.


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Seems pretty fluid, movement-wise. I may look in to this for myself. Is it console specific or could I use it on both my 360 and PS3?

Works on both. Two different software programs, but neither require installation. You can also use the PS3 controller on xbox and vice versa. Has to be connected to a PC to work with KB/M though.

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