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Gamercide Presents: Live From Justin.tv


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I finally have the Live Streaming Page to a point that I wanted to start a new thread about it here. My other attempt pretty much bombed, but I have higher hopes for this.


Standard Features:

  • All the stream accounts are handled through Justin.tv and your customizations made there follow through to the page.
  • A common portal to check and watch if our members and friends are streaming.
  • Watch non members on the page simply by entering their name in the appropriate field.
  • Watch in the standard 640x360 resolution OR a stepped down 480x270 resolution.
  • Watch ANY TWO streams side by side with chat for each. All above features are still there when watching dual streams.

Now, I would love to have some people watch their favorite casts through the site. If you could do that and report any bugs/problems to me that would be great. I hope everyone enjoys this, and please let me know if you would like to be added to the list of Streams.

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It would be a small bar similar to what JTV has now. Or, I was toying with the idea of the offline user links opening the latest video. If the user list becomes too large I will likely change it to a list format. I'd keep the current one available to be opened and browsed but have a list bar of active/offline users on the main page.

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Tweaked the performance of the Caster list. It loads in about half the time now. Also linked the caster name above the Stream video back to JTV. You can click on it and it will pop up their page on Justin.tv . I'll start looking into the previous videos next, and maybe a stream lined user list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't do much on the performance tweaks, but I added some javascript to refresh the Live Casters and viewer count without causing the page to look like it's reloading. It still is really, but it's doing it in the background. Makes for a much neater and cleaner look when you're watching. Instead of an entire section of page flickering you just have a few things here and there just change. I've decided to put any additions to the page on hold while I look into optimizations.

Also, I know a few of you have started streaming semi-regularly, and I would be more than happy to set you up on the page as well. If you'd like to be added just PM me your jtv login name.

Just wanted to add that I think I figured it out. Over the next week or two I should be able to move all the information requests using PHP over to jquery and ajax. Which will remove almost all the load on the server.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the jquery side of things is on hold because I can't access the API the way I want to, but I've got other optimizations in mind. However, as you all can see the site has a lovely redesign and along with it came one new feature to the live page. Clean links. You can now access any of our live users via:




Dual streaming working now too:




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