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Give It A Rest George!


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Haha! I love the comments at Gizmodo sometimes.

Maddrjeffe 01:07 AM

"I always imagined the Star Wars sextology as a 3d extravaganza but was technically unable to do that when I started filming in the 70's. I think that this will be the definitive version and I will be finished with the series forever." 2010 George Lucas

"I always imagined Star Wars with smellovision." 2015 George Lucas

"I always imagined Star Wars played entirely by no talent midgets in blackface." 2020 George Lucas


And for the record, I also have to admit that just about all POST-production 3D movies are crap. This is going to completely suck, and I hate saying that because I love Star Wars,

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With ILM taking their time in making this conversion, it could <fingers crossed> turn out okay. The problem with all the other post production 3D transfers is, they rushed through them. Clash of the Titans being my main example. The movie wrapped and they took 6 months to do the transfer. ILM is taking 2+ years to do this. It could suck, but here's to hoping right?

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With ILM taking their time in making this conversion, it could <fingers crossed> turn out okay. The problem with all the other post production 3D transfers is, they rushed through them. Clash of the Titans being my main example. The movie wrapped and they took 6 months to do the transfer. ILM is taking 2+ years to do this. It could suck, but here's to hoping right?

You're right, it COULD be ok, but the problem is that it is a HUUUUUGE "could".

The other downside is being subjected to JarJar again, and this time in 3D. *shudders*

Why can't we get a NEW Star Wars movie? Like something picking up after the original trilogy? Luke going to the Dark Side sort of stuff. Mark Hamill is old now and could totally pull off the evil Luke. LoL

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I have a lot of faith in the conversion of these films, Spawn already pointed out that it's ILM .. come on. Top special effects studio in North America (possibly the world .. sorry weta), they'll do a great job and it'll look fantastic. Lucas will forever doctor up these movies .. not because he needs more money .. because he's a tech geek and these are HIS movies that he made for himself. It's no different than Frank Frazzetta (rip) going and constantly reworking his paintings.

.. and Star Wars in the theater again!!! .. o man .. that'll be awesome!!! .. plus I really don't mind JarJar. He's not my favorite but there are a lot more annoying characters than him .. I'm looking at you NEO from the Matrix. WHOooaaa Bill--I mean Trinity.

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I'm not going to defend or condone Lucas here, it's a pointless and quite frankly worthless argument at this point. Lucas owns the rights and always will. That said, whatever he wants to do with the franchise, is his choice. Don't like it, don't see it. Simple as that. :)

Oh, I agree with you. It's just funny how he keeps re-releasing the movie over and over. I looooooves me some Star Wars, but the thing that got to me was the 3D bit. I get sick of all the 3D bullcrap.

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Oh, I agree with you. It's just funny how he keeps re-releasing the movie over and over. I looooooves me some Star Wars, but the thing that got to me was the 3D bit. I get sick of all the 3D bullcrap.

It's the latest technology and everyone is jumping on board. I've seen it done well (Toy Story 3, Up) and I've seen it done really bad (Clash of the Titans). From what I've heard, they have tested out all the existing tech and nobody has been fully pleased with the results, so they are working on their own hybrid tech to make it better. We're in a wait and see at this point on how it will work. I do trust ILM though. They are the forerunners of new movie tech, hands down.

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