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Shellshock 2

dragons claw69

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I'll be picking it up next week most likely, since Splinter Cell will be occupying my time this week (along with the final chapter of FF XIII, yay!). When I pick it up, I'll definitely shoot you an invite for multi-player. I too was pleasantly surprised with ODST when I first played it. For some weird reason, I found it more enjoyable than Halo 3. Anywho, this game will definitely make you forget all about Shellshock 2, until someone brings it up.:P

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Nice choice, especially considering the upcoming beta, I'll have to join you guys in a firefight match sometime. It is indeed very fun, but the lack of matchmaking really kills it unless you have a group of friends actively playing the game (so I'll join you :) ).

I really hope Reach has a firefight mode (with matchmaking), and that it's in the beta.

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