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Mac help


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So I was messing around on my roommates make trying o play wow when I blew up his background. Initially it was attached to the mouse so wherever i drag my mouse the background followed, super weird. I fixed that but the background is still super huge, and I can't figure out how to max it back to normal. I've tried CTRL scroll but that doesn't seem to fix the problem. any ideas?

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I think this is what you're looking for. It's in System Preferences.


Oh .. and Bogeh .. you suck. Let me point out the many ways.

1.-You like Halo .. that game rules

2.-You don't like cats .. dogs are truly better

3.-Apple products are great .. they make for amazing paper weights

So suck it Bogeh!! :P:D


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Oh .. and Bogeh .. you suck. Let me point out the many ways.

1.-You like Halo .. that game sucks

2.-You don't like cats .. you suck

3.-Apple products are great .. they don't suck

So suck it Bogeh!! tongue.gifbiggrin.gif

1. Without Halo, the Xbox would have flopped. Without Halo 2, you would never have Xbox LIVE.

2. Real men like dogs.

3. Your Appple product is outdated literally 3 months later when the next model comes out. Plus Steve Jobs was obviously to the Iphone 4 antenna issue.


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Yeah .. cause Apple is a ... **** I got too drunk . .. oh I had a good argument about stuff and things and future .. but now .. well .. Macs just cost too much. Oh WHY did I think 8 pints and Burger King was a good idea.

Oh and Bogeh .. you still suck. Your new SIG should read:: .. "I'm bo-GEHH .. and HUUKEed on Fawniks WoorKEd fer MEH!!" ,...

Kiding buddy .. I get the Mac hatred, but Halo is pretty lame now.

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Yeah .. cause Apple is a ... **** I got too drunk . .. oh I had a good argument about stuff and things and future .. but now .. well .. Macs just cost too much. Oh WHY did I think 8 pints and Burger King was a good idea.

Oh and Bogeh .. you still suck. Your new SIG should read:: .. "I'm bo-GEHH .. and HUUKEed on Fawniks WoorKEd fer MEH!!" ,...

Kiding buddy .. I get the Mac hatred, but Halo is pretty lame now.

Halo haters gonna' hate.

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