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I think it's just Trump taking a page from his own books. Bad publicity is actually good if your name is constantly on everyone's lips. I don't honestly believe Trump would build a wall or have one made at the expense of Mexico. Despite his acting out, he's a smart man, and he knows a wall would not keep anyone out. Mexicans have been TUNNELING into America for a very long time. It's easier to get across without being spotted ... and it has the added bonus of being able to be used at any time. Hence, daytime travel is possible without fear of heatstroke, dehydration or even losing direction. There are no border guards or minutemen underground.

For me, though ... it's just more of the same. Have two polarizing figures as the two candidates, and you easily keep the country divided. A divided country is easier to maintain if there's no harmony. They'd rather have us fighting each other than us having a revolution to start over with a clean slate. Put that up to a vote. Ask America if we should overhaul our current government.

We have a literal meme as one candidate, and the other is the wife of the Dem's poster boy. It's all a grand show and we're very entertained right now. It's why scripted "reality" shows are so popular. We love a good train wreck.


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