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Hideo Kojima Rumor


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As some of you may or may not know I am a big fan of Metal gear solid/Hideo Kojima Games. Recently there has been rumors of either Kojima being fired or of him leaving partnership with Konami. Sadly to say it is true. They both were working on Silent Hill 9 which had got canceled because Kojima plays a big role in all of this. And so does Reedus from "The Walking Dead" series who was starring the lead character role but left after Kojima did. Also, after this was aired Konami had erased all Kojima productions that had to with SH. Sad day for some silent hill fans. I can't believe this is happening because I haven't played a SH game since ps2 . Come to think of it they are erasing the PT demo Wednesday off of psn so try to play it before they do. I guess some things weren't meant to be !

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